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No More Boost :(

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So for the past week, my boost gauge stops at 0, and the EA82T makes no boost anymore. Sometimes, when im at high revs (past 3500) and at WOT (peddle to the metal) i can get it to jump up to 5-6psi. But off throttle, if I gas it, the gauge will go from -20 hg to 0... but no positive boost at all.


Car runs great. No problems, other than this stupid boost thing. I pulled my downpipe off, and checked the shaft on the turbo. No free play or wobble and the shaft spins freely.


Im wondering if it maybe my Wastegate or maybe my up-pipe? I know my 2nd cat has a huge gash in it. So i cant tell if the up pipe has developed a leak since the 2nd cat is so loud.



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Check for leaks around the uppipe. Try new exhaust manifold gaskets, and new turbo gaskets (get 'em from the dealer, they're beefy!). Wastgate could be stuck open I suppose. Check that too. Since you do get some boost though, I'd suspect a big exhaust leak. And fix the gash in your 2nd cat! meow.

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Yeah, i used new gaskets when i rebuilt the motor. They are probably 4 months old... maybe 3 (cant remember how long ago i got the thing running again).


My exhaust is one piece though. Had the exhaust shop weld 2.5" pipe straight from my downpipe and it runs to a new cat, then runs back to the end of the car with no muffler. Sounded real good before I put that gash in my cat. I was talking to Caleb who sais the 1 piece exhaust could be putting too much stress on my up pipe, which is what could have caused it to split, if that is infact what happend.


I guess as soon as im done with my hatch, i'll have to put the RX in the garage and start tearing into it again.... *sigh*.



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Yeah checked earlier to see if maybe my exhaust was just hangin. all the studs are there, gaskets look to be in good shape. If it werent 190 degree's on the pavement, i would have started the car and checked further for exhaust leaks. Maybe i'll pull it into the garage at work on my break tomorrow.



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For testing purposes, you can wire the wastegate closed, but I wouldn't do it on a gas powered car I was driving, since there isn't any control over the boost that way. If you can move the control arm freely, then it's not seized, but it's also possible that the wastegate "shutter" has come loose or fallen off. If you can get to the bolts to remove the wastegate housing, then pull that and inspect to make sure everything is intact.


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Check your air filter, make sure there isn't a mouse nest in it or something, and try revving the engine while watching the intake tube to make sure it's not collapsing.

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car revs fine, there's no lag on acceleration. Its a good thing I have high comp pistons in this block, or else my car would be a real dog. I seriously doubt theres restriction in my intake... i just pulled the intake a couple weeks ago when i put this turbo in (last turbo fried its bearings and oil seals).


And since the car does make boost, im not sure if its my wastegate. Im not able to move the wastegate by hand, but ive never been able to on any of my cars. I think the spring in the diaphram is too strong... not sure, still fighting with my hatch and the RX is on the back burner.



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