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My case of beer* mistake...

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Replacing the rear crankshaft oil seal and the new damn seal doesn't want to go in uniformly; try tapping in the opposite side to see-saw it out, but it ends up seating too far in. Try to use the bent tip of a feeler guage to slip under the seal and pull it out, but that doesn't work. Try a bent paper clip and I end up cutting the seal slightly. :eek: After looking at another engine block, it looks like the seal may be so far back that it would block the oil drain hole. So, the new seal comes out destroyed with screwdriver and needle-nose pliers. Went to the dealer and picked up a new seal for $15.38 = 1 case of beer*.

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admittedly, I did the same thing with my first rear main... it went in too far, but it didn't look like it would hurt anything, and I really needed to get the car back together so I left it that way.... no issues so far :confused::eek:

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