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I am a new Forester owner (2006). this is my first Subaru and I am quite pleased with this vehicle.


I am trying to run an XM radio antenna into the cabin near the center console.


Does anyone have any experience in the routing of this type of cable and if so would you, like to share your secrets?.





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Run it through the top plastic all the way from the hatch on the pass. side. Then run it down the pass. A pillar. From here you will run it under the glove box or along the windshield depending on where your reciever is.


You shouldn't have to pull any plastic off except for the back hatch area and maybe the A pillar. You can just tuck the wire in using a flat head screw driver on all the rest.

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I've got one routed from just above the hatch through the edge of the headliner, down to the floor by the passanger seat belt, up to under the glove box and in behind the radio. This is a 2001 Impreza. I'll see if I can put some pics up some time tomorrow if you haven't found a good way yet.

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yeah i ran my antenna and is sitting on the trunk in front of the third brake light on my car..


ran the wire through trunk, next to rear seats, down the left side of the car and up through to my middle console area. my xm sits in the console when not using it so it doesnt scream out COME STEAL ME!!.. while i was at it, i ran a cable for my ipod to my stereo

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