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d.i.y. repair manuals for 2000 and newer??

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Hi billyboy. I couldn't find a Chilton or Haynes manual for my '00 Outback either; I don't think they publish them for recent models. I bought OEM manuals off eBay for not too much and well worth the money. I also subscribe to AllDataDiy and the info on there looks identical to the OEM manual except their pictures aren't too good of a resolution. There's lots of cheap manuals on CD on eBay; don't know the quality as I haven't bought any.


I don't like Haynes manual too much as I have found many errors in it for my '96 Legacy, but it is a good reference for how they say to do a procedure without using those special Subaru tools. --Louis ;-)

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FYI: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw_9_7?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=subaru+repair+manual&sprefix=subaru+

I know that the previous posts in this thread are a few years old but I'm sure that there are some folks who are still interested in obtaining do it yourself manuals for their 2000 and up Subes.

Edited by axel
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