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high odometer = high mpg!?!?

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well, have had my 89 GL wagon for just about 5 yrs now...when i got the car it had about 142,000 miles on the clock, and I got an average of 28-29 mpg. Not too shabby for an older car....


well she currently has 235,000 on the clock and is now getting 33-34 mpg consistently!!! seems the more miles i rack up, the better the milage gets. :D:clap:


anyone else experience this phenomenon????

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Hmmm- How many quarts of oil is it burning per tank of gas? :D


More seriously, maybe it is running leaner? Is there less power? Or maybe if you are five years older, you have followed the insurance company statistics and slowed down.


Whatever it is - with oil over $75 per barrel and rising, enjoy!!!



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  heartless said:

seems the more miles i rack up, the better the milage gets. :D:clap:


anyone else experience this phenomenon????


My GL-10(EA82T w/ 5spd manual + Fulltime 4WD) gets great MPG, especially on long trips. I drove it down to Dallas in late 2004 from Wichita Falls following some friends to a dyno day event(no I didn't participate). After the event was over, we drove around the Dallas/Fort Worth area for the better part of the day. By the time I had returned, I had only used 2 bars on the digital fuel gauge(can't remember what the measurement is of fuel per bar). I thought that was outstanding! And we weren't granny driving either. Pretty impressive if you ask me!



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That's not bad, probably getting better mileage as the rings wear and loosen up.

I'm getting 25-26mpg out of a carbed beaten EA81 with 196k on it.

It's weird, if I'm nice to it, it gets 23-24mpg?

This is with RWD, using low range around town for the fast takeoffs.

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196,000+ mile Loyale wagon FWD 5 Spd...34 stop and go...43 Highway:banana: but I have been told I baby it too much..has only seen 4000+ RPMs 2 times and its cause I was pissed and was lighting them up:burnout:

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to answer a few of the questions...


yes, it is a 5 speed, fwd


oil = one quart per fillup (+/-) mostly due to leaks rather than burning...


according to the other half, i drive like a maniac (ie: drive it like you stole it!! :lol: )


I put around 100 miles per day driving to/from work, mostly out in the country (couple of small towns along the way) average cruising speed around 63 mph....


power is great - for 90hp LOL plenty of getup and go left in the ol girl. will squawk the tires without really trying...


another 500K - wellll, maybe not, the salt cancer is slowly eating her away, but so far the structural stuff is still pretty solid - front fenders and behind the rear wheels, not so good.


she may not be the prettiest car on the road but, I luv my Subaru!!!!:headbang:

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I would guess it is leaning out. Mine did that too in 30k miles driven now at 156500 miles . I had fuel problems as well,when I started this project, but can still say for certain it is leaning. Maybe something is clogging up just right slowly.:lol: I am over 40mpg on the highway (non- extreme hills , etc.) in my 2wd. The average for city and highway combined is 38 mpg.I even have to have my favorite gas stations still -- it is barely sipping down what seems to have a need to be perfect.My friend had the 4wd that did the leaning out bit and flushing the fuel lines all the way to an empty tank revealed some gas-saving interesting "stuff" gooping out of them. That may be a next step if this goes too far. Although the 30's mpg is in oem numbers realm of things when new.

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ive got a spfi FWD a/t ea82 gl-10 (say THAT five times fast) and i drive pizzas with it... in traffic.. with the AC off i get about 25 mpg, highway or traffic.. (ive only ever really gotten a good "highway" check on it once, and that wasnt totally highway, but it wasnt very impressive.)


i also have the digidash, and i find that each little bar is pretty much its own unique value of fuel left in the tank... when the tank is full, the guage registers full, but it registers full until i drive 70 miles or so.... meaning, almost three gallons. but it seems to drop TO the half-way mark (meaning i think 5/10 bars, or 4/8) right about 200 each time (16 gallon tank =400 miles per tank) and when it drops to zero on the guage, i have about 1.3 gallons of fuel left. DRIVEABLE fuel, about 1.2. like i said, im a pizzaman... so i eventually track figures like this down. i put 100 miles on her, city traffic driving (god believe me it SUCKS) on an easy day.

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ive got a spfi FWD a/t ea82 gl-10


daeron - that automatic is whats killing your mileage - we have an 88 coupe with the auto and it doesnt get anywhere near the same kind of mileage as the manuals do.


at 3000 RPM's i am cruising at about 63 mph with my 5 spd

the coupe is running closer to 35-3600RPMS at that speed

gearing makes a BIG difference.


the other half has the dual range 4whl dr 5 speed and his runs slightly higher rpms than mine does - he gets 30-32 mpg out of his, but has to drive like an 95 yr old grandpa to get it! :rolleyes: if he drove like I do he would only be getting about 28 mpg. :D


whatever the reason for the mileage gains, i am enjoying it with gas prices the way they are - only took $15 bucks to fill it when i got the car 5 yrs ago, now takes nearly $35 :banghead:

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