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EA82 91 Loyale doesnt start - help

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So I hop into my car this morning gonna get my new muffler hooked up. I go to turn on the stereo and it gos for about 3 seconds then dies. Try again, dies. Im thinking ************, batery muyst be dead for a weird reason. Then i try and start it.


A super loud rapid snapping/clicking sound coming from somewhere. Pop the hood, the belts turn when i try to start it. The snapping sound went away and was replaced by the cant start engine dieing sound. Sit it for a minute or so. Try again. Same deal with the loud clicking, then to engine dieing sound.


The thing just wont turn over.


I pushed it outa my parking spot, and push started it. Shes still running right now, havent turned it off yet.


Im a newb, is it a starter or something else? Where even is the starter?

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So i left it running for a while. Then turned it off. Turned it back on again. Ran. Turned if off for a while. Now im back to square one. The voltage gauge on my console read steady 12 when it was running and just after i turned it off. But then it started to drop 5 minutes later once it was the engine wasnt running.


Its like im leaking power.


Could this be a battery issue or a short somewhere? Is there a common weakspot for these cars to short at?

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A super loud rapid snapping/clicking sound coming from somewhere.

This is most likely the starter solenoid clicking, caused by a discharged battery.


is it a starter or something else? Where even is the starter?

Could be the starter, the battery, or as previously said, something else draining the battery.


Check the connections at the battery and also at the starter. The starter is on the left (driver's) side, rear of the engine/front of the transaxle. there's a large cable connected to it, make sure it isn't loose or corroded.

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...Check the connections at the battery and also at the starter. The starter is on the left (driver's) side, rear of the engine/front of the transaxle. there's a large cable connected to it, make sure it isn't loose or corroded.

There are TWO large cables connected to it (or at least near and for it). Be sure to check the large ground cable that runs from the battery to a connectin point near the starter. Be sure to check BOTH ends of each cable, as Subaru like to have a bad connection at the starter and/or ground point.

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