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HELP plz - '86 GL10 engine runs for only 6 seconds.

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Dear Subaru Gurus,

I have an engine problem that confuses me. I have a 1986 SUBARU GL-10 Turbo wagon. 202,000 miles. It’s a great car. The engine has always been great. It recently started to “drink” a bit of water when taking long trips.


I recently drove a 400 mile trip. It was a bit low on oil so I put a whole bottle in. A bit too much, but I didn’t know that then. The engine ran great when I returned at night. The car started the next day but had smoke at first, so I just let it idle it for a while..


Now, it starts and runs for 6 seconds, then quits. It’s has to sit for an hour but after the wait, it will start for 5 seconds then quits again. WHAT is this? What can I do to check/fix it? I’m semi-mechanical, more of a computer geek than mechanic – but I can try anything. The car is to an age that makes me question expensive repairs.


Did I blow it up with too much oil? (??) Does it sound like a fuel filter clog?

There’s spark. There starter, spark and seems to be fuel flow.

My mechanic friend said may be either the Air flow Meter (electronic box on the air filter) or the Fuel Pump Relay (under the dash) is not kicking in. What does this mean?


QUESTION: What does this sound like to you, oh wise Subaru’s Guru’s?

Can I check it w/my limited skills and tools? Is it time to sell this wonderful car to a mechanic with skills? The body is perfect and classy with extras and new parts.

I am grateful for your reply.


DRIX – Confused (not driving) Suby Fan.

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well, its easy to check to see if the fuel pump comes on. have someone sit outside, by the fuel tank, and listen when you turn the key to on..... they should hear it come on and buzz. if it will start, i doubt its your fuel pump gone comp[letely bad, or else it wouldnt have fuel to start the next time... but something could be causing it to cut out. pay attention to how the fuel pump behaves throughout your six second cycle.


troubleshooting technical problems is easy, as long as you have the technical knowledge database necesseary, which is why you came to a forum like this :- ) its why we all come here. anyhow, if you have verified that your fuel pump is functioning properly, then you need to do a component check on your fuel injection system (of course, given that you DO have good spark... spark can be weak, too..) i am not really a soobie "guru" per se, but ive spent the last 25 years of my life slowly learning to be a mechanic, and ive gotten pretty darned good at it.. i cant tell you what the smoke might have been, i dont think you would have blown up your motor with an extra 1/2 qt of oil (where was it on the dipstick? mine can take almost a full quart if its right at the lower dot... if it was halfway between the dots or higher, then a full quart might be a good bit too much... but if you were at the lower pinhole on the dipstick then 1 qt shouldnt bee too much at all....) anyhow my point is, be patient.. its 4 AM EST and nerds like you and me are still awake and crawling the web.. by this time tomorrow people will have responded who know more particularly about these cars than i. you should get it back on the road, or at worst come to the conclusion you need to scrapit, FAIRLY soon.


and like i said, fixin stuff is fixin stuff, its all a matter of know how. and tools. but tools are easy. just $$..




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One thing that can help you determine if it is fuel pump related is to look under your dash near the steering column (you may need to remove the trim piece that stretshes from hood-pull area over towards bottom of center console) for a pair of non-connected green terminals that have a single wire going to each. Connect these and turn on your ignition; your fuel pump should now cycle on and off every few seconds (5 on, 5 off???). If you hear your fuel pump cycling, try starting the engine and see how it runs.

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I don't know much about your year but...


I assume you have a rear fuel filter near the pump and one up front on the firewall?


When it kills is the front fuel filter empty?

Are your fuel filters dirty--in need of replacement?


Will it stay running (longer than 6 seconds) with Starting Fluid?


It sounds gas related to me...

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