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Hello everyone, I have a 2001 OBW H6 VDC (love it) and have had the CEL come on intermittantly over the past few months (heat related?). Anyway, rather than give my money to a shop to read the code, I want to get a code reader that is "inexpensive" but will easily read my Subaru codes. I have a cheap one (i.e. the cheapest one I could find) that works well with my wife's Ford Ranger but it will not communicate with the computer in our OBW. Can anybody suggest a code reader that they are sure will work with newer Subarus (they are particular about returns/exchanges of these things)? Sorry if this topic has been discussed previously.


Another question that has been bugging me recently, what did Subaru do to the newer H6 platform to pull 250 HP instead of the 212 (or whatever it is) that mine is rated at. Is there something I could replace on my engine (air intake, new chip, etc.) that would cheaply allow me to grab this hidden power? Thanks!

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