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87 GL10, hood cable ?s

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well, i went to open the hood and the cable pulled out in my hand. I had to get to the battery to pump up my tire to run a shift of pizza delivery.. sorta important, i was down to about 5psi... so i fought with the grill and eventually unscrewed the retainer screw and managed to flick open the hood.


questions, what donor cars will work? i am assuming anything of this body style should be the same... so if there are any sneaky differences, or if im just plain WRONG someone please tell me :- )


and, how straightforward is this? i dont need a how-to, but if you have done this, is it easy? is it a PITA but not insurmountable? or is it so difficult that i shouldnt even think about it, and instead just hook a piece of pull wire up to the latch, and bypass the in-car hood pull? i suppose security SHOULD be an issue for me, but i dont really care. i dont lock my car half the time anyhow..



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I agree with suberdave. I had the "external hood release" feature for a bout 4 months till I got around to replace it. This is a good post about how to operate it without the cable:




I'd find another wagon to pull the cable from. Check the nub on the end of the cable that goes into the latch, and the cable condition. It's a straight forward replacement, the onlything that may slow you down is feeding it through the rubber grommit through the firewall. But really it's a quick fix.

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thanks for the quick info, this happened last night at the beginning of my shift and i posted early this AM, and i still have yet to take a good look at how its run, etc.


I probly could have answered my question myself, but i wouldnt have been positive. much obliged.

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