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Surprise!! You Fixed your Factory Cruise Control!!!

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yah, so i was playing games with radiators and fans, and looked down at a module behind my air filter box.. two wire harnesses going to it, and some vacuum lines looks like.. hmm, it must be my cruise unit...


I am assuming that I was correct, because i unplugged the one wire harness i could find a plug on.. it felt and looked like it hadnt been unplugged since Japan... but it was pristine. I blew it out anyway, with a wry grin on my face ("yah, get all that crap outta there..:rolleyes: ") and plugged it back in.


It took me a couple of days before i remembered.. turned the button on, hit the set button on the steering wheel.... pull my foot up, and i was still goin fifty!!!!


i dont BELIEVE i fixed my cruise control. i know i did next to nothing... but this soob has taken my opeinion of myself to another level. I used to think that cars, as a whole, were maybe just a TAD more than i could really grok in fullness.... old outboard motors, piece of cake, any power or air tool you could throw my way, ill have at it, home audio/stereo equipment.. ill tear it up. but the cars.. i did great with.. but there was an almost romantic air about it, as if it were more than the sum of its parts..


but the soob has REALLY shown me what a tool an automobile really is.. its got the centrally located power plant that provides inertial energy to all of the accessories needed for the job in question: transport.. and once i really started thinking about it like that, it all fell apart into subsystems i already understood.. and this mystique is now gone.


my point is, somewhere in my head there is some deeply written code that says that if i get a car with a bad AC and a non functional cruise control, those are two things not to worry about fixing.... because its blah blah effort versus payout blah blah....


but now ive fixed both of those on this car.. both were simple fixes, but my mechanic brother never checked that cruise box in four years :brow:


just thought id share some joy with the folks here.

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at least you are often an encyclopedia.. and the people like you make for lots of information dissemination. I try as much as i can to be a middle man, when i KNOW i know what im talking about.. but im just often a babbling fount of semi-unrelated symptoms :- )

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