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EA81 service manual

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Can I please get the original locations of these FSMs and who scanned them so I can give proper credit where it is due? Thanks


In an effort to conserve server bandwidth usage, everything's been zipped up.


I've uploaded the partial 89 FSM here:



You'll also find the full 88 XT FSM there (Thanks to Mr. Radon from xt6.net)


The EA81 manuals have also been zipped up.


Why zip 'em up you ask?

A) Uses slightly less space on the server. This is fairly negligible though since PDFs are already compressed

B) Forces people to save them to their computer instead of opening directly every time they need to use it.


Please save these to your computer for future use!

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Can I please get the original locations of these FSMs and who scanned them so I can give proper credit where it is due? Thanks


I wish I knew who scanned these, one page at a time must have taken a long time.


Good idea on zipping them up, the more copies of these files around the better.

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