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Hi all,


My warrior of a 96 outback is currently in the shop with what my trusted indy mechanic calls a "object of large mass penetrating the AC condensor"..... in short, the condensor is worthless. No AC in Georgia in summer is a bad idea! Anyway, he ordered a new condensor and the one he got seems to be blocked- it isnt working correctly! Anyway, it sounds like this is a 'subaru only' part and that subaru is not happy about just replacing it with a new one. My car has been in the shop a week waiting for an outcome of the standoff: "the part is bad" vs "we would never send a bad part off". Any suggestions on what I can do to speed this up? Its been a week.. still no progress! thanks.



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someone wrote a few weks ago that there were 2 type of ac units in lagacys (i may have forgotten the details) and replacement parts have to match the make and model of AC in the car. am i remembering correctly?


Hi all,


My warrior of a 96 outback is currently in the shop with what my trusted indy mechanic calls a "object of large mass penetrating the AC condensor"..... in short, the condensor is worthless. No AC in Georgia in summer is a bad idea! Anyway, he ordered a new condensor and the one he got seems to be blocked- it isnt working correctly! Anyway, it sounds like this is a 'subaru only' part and that subaru is not happy about just replacing it with a new one. My car has been in the shop a week waiting for an outcome of the standoff: "the part is bad" vs "we would never send a bad part off". Any suggestions on what I can do to speed this up? Its been a week.. still no progress! thanks.



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It comes to mind that it really shouldn't be necessary for the person working on your car to hold it hostage waiting for air conditioner parts. There's no reason you couldn't be driving it, even with the condensor removed.

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thats a good point... even more frustrating is that the problem seems between my mech and the part supplier- why I am left with no car seems beyond me. Seems to me that he should get the car fixed first, then deal with the supplier! thanks for letting me vent.... its been there over a week awaiting a replacement condenser (the first one got there in a day)



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Sounds like there should be another source for the part and the mech should take it up with the supplier.


I've found used parts and prices via:




Hope you get it sorted out soon,




Hi all.. thanks for the backup.. it will be fixed tomorrow by noon... and I am not gonna ask what all happened.. I just get my car back! :banana:



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Hi all.. thanks for the backup.. it will be fixed tomorrow by noon... and I am not gonna ask what all happened.. I just get my car back! :banana:



Common badjer, I want the story! Was it the wrong part? Did uncle Vinnie have to make a visit?:cool:

In any case try to stay cool.

~ Mark

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