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Got my new tranny in the car...

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well I got my tranny swap done finally.. hehe, learned my lesson about using lifting straps that are laying around the shop.. DONT USE EM. Had my tranny 4 feet in the air, just about to clear my core support and hood latch. Boom strap snaps, dropped the tranny. It fell clean through the core support and engine x-member.. didnt touch a thing. Good thing it was a bad tranny cuz it cracked the tail shaft.


Got the new tranny in, engine bolted up. Last thing was bolt up the exhaust... One of the studs had come out earlier and I guess it took all the threads with it. Scrambled to fine a tap, got it tapped out to one of the bolts that holds the automatic seatbelts in place. extra fine thread, figured that was the way to go.


Now I have a 750 mile roundtrip drive coming up on sunday. Hope everything holds up. I gotta say, its 10x easier to work on a lifted rig. Had no problems wrestling the tranny out by myself. That extra 6 inches is nice. Now for tommorow, axles and balljoints.. Wish me luck

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hehe, yea it was loud and scary. shook the whole shop. my boss thought I dropped a car on myself..


I've had one other part of a subaru fall before.. 90 Loyale... puttin the engine in and the front lifting Eye off the powersteering pump/alternator backet snapped... dropped that engine about 3 feet.. didnt even dent the pan.. just about crapped myself though

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