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i need some ideas for my bad running car

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ok so its starts off i was thinkin i had some spark problems so i pulled some wires while the car ran and found on the drivers side it didnt make a difference when pulling either 1. soo i then did a compression test and figured out my #1 piston didnt have any compression and the others were about 100. anyways i still drive it daily and it seems wierd but it studders alot until it warms up which doesnt take long at all but still not a whole lot of power then at about 3500 rpms it just takes off like a new car cant tell anything is wrong with any cylinder. ive brought this up a little before but i was hoping to figure out what going on overall it kinda seems like a few problems. thanks



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No compression, sounds like a head gasket issue, if you're running on 3 cylinders that would certainly make it run rough.


Did you try a wet compression check? could one of your valves be sticking?


I'll assume that this is your MPFI GL-10 turbo yeah? the more info you give us, the more help we can be. :banana:

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My GL ran wacky and there is a a solinod that sticks a pin into the carb that shuts off the gas when the key is off and the wire to that was broke. SO I had been running with the idle circuit shut off or something, Im not sure its a head gasket if there is no water loss, maybe a stuck/burn valve. sc

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update my car is running good! for now. so i guess the compression tester i used was fcked up so i used another 1 and all pistons have 120 psi, wierd huh. well were think that there wasnt compression to 1 of them because of carbon build up and was just knocked loose. so im gonna put some top end combustion cleaner i guess it works mircales and really pisses off your neibors when u fill the neiborhood up with smoke. oh and what was keepin my car from good was my primary had mud in it! haha i suck no but really i rock.


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