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2005 Legacy CEL and Flashing Cruise Indicator - nevermind...

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Need to see the dealer and have the code pulled, but previous posts indicates that the CEL and Cruise light I experienced is fairly typical. Sorry for wasting the electrons and server space.



Started the car yesterday evening and had two dash lights come up. The first was a solid CEL. The second was a flashing Cruise indicator.


Moved the car about 50 feet, the lights didn't clear. Turned the car off and on (several times), the lights did not clear. Checked the owners manual, it suggested two simulataneous problems--one with the emission control system and one with having bumped (and therefore disabled) the cruise control lever while starting the car.


I do not believe the second item as I stopped and restarted the car several times while placing close attention to not touching the cruise control lever and the cruise light did not clear.


Got out and removed/replaced the fuel filler cap. In the car, unplugged my cell phone from the 12V charger (was using the outlet in the armrest). Started the car and all indicator lights were back to normal.


Has anyone heard of similar symptoms? I need to take the car to the dealer to have the CEL code pulled, but I suspect a connection problem with the cell phone was throwing off the electrical circuit. Or is this some special magical code that was not shown in the owner's manual?


2005 Legacy 2.5i Sedan.





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I'd like to answer anyway:



It's a problem with the control of the throttle butterfly. My Forester did this immediately after a machine car wash - with a rather forceful jet spray from beneath.


Dealer and I decided that some water must've got into the cable connector..or something.



I made the mistake of realeasing ALL 230 horses right after the was, I bet some water entered the engine room and was sloshed about by my driving style :-)

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had the same problem with my 2005 Outback 2.5i 5speed. I cured it twice by removing and retightening the fual cap. It takes a few miles and/or starts to clear the lights. It hasn't happened recently, but I've been tightening the cap thoroughly after each fill-up.

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had the same problem with my 2005 Outback 2.5i 5speed. I cured it twice by removing and retightening the fual cap. It takes a few miles and/or starts to clear the lights. It hasn't happened recently, but I've been tightening the cap thoroughly after each fill-up.


I suspect that was the case with mine. Have you noticed that you need to lean on the cap a bit to get it to lock tightly? If I do not lean a bit, the cap ratchets in what feels like less than one-quarter of a turn, making me wonder if it is really sealing.



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I suspect that was the case with mine. Have you noticed that you need to lean on the cap a bit to get it to lock tightly? If I do not lean a bit, the cap ratchets in what feels like less than one-quarter of a turn, making me wonder if it is really sealing.



Yes, I do apply a good amount of downward pressure as I tighten the cap and I make sure it ratchets for at least a quarter turn. I think this is the fix for this problem! Was your cruise control inopperable during the flashing light situation like mine was? Did you go to the dealer to pull the codes and if so what were the results?

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Yes, I do apply a good amount of downward pressure as I tighten the cap and I make sure it ratchets for at least a quarter turn. I think this is the fix for this problem! Was your cruise control inopperable during the flashing light situation like mine was? Did you go to the dealer to pull the codes and if so what were the results?


I was just starting in a parking lot and stopped the car when the lights came on. Read the manual and guessed fuel filler cap. Never did have a chance to test the cruise. According to the manual, the flashing cruise light means that the cruise is disabled--so I would expect my experience to have been the same as yours.


I've not made it to the dealer yet. Life (and work) keeps getting in the way.


Will report back when/if I get the code pulled (not certain how many times I can start the car before the codes are cleared)



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