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dead battery, parking lights stay on?

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My 97 OBW (272k miles) sat for a week while on vacation. Drove it on sunday, came home sunday night in my wife's car and noticed the front and rear parking lights were on. Lights were not turned on inside the car and battery was dead. Jumped the car, started right up, drove down the road to charge battery. Came home, turned off car and started back up but the lights stayed on. Autozone says battery is ok, looks like alternator, anyone have this before? Or any suggestions?





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If your parking lights are staying on all the time, hit the switch on the steering wheel. The parking light switch on the top of the wheel. The lights staying on has nothing to do with the electrical system, besides the fact that it drains your battery.

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If your parking lights are staying on all the time, hit the switch on the steering wheel. The parking light switch on the top of the wheel. The lights staying on has nothing to do with the electrical system, besides the fact that it drains your battery.


'nother Subaru virgin down!

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Now I know i've been working way too much! I'm not a suby virgin, i've had this car for 4 years and do all my own maintenance so i should have known to look for that. I thought maybe it was the battery or alternator because i haven't changed them since i've owned the car for 4 years and almost 100k miles.

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