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Yet another oil related question!

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I'm on a oil consumption test at my dealer cause I'm using at least 2 litre per 6000 km. Witch I think is to much! But on the test so far, I burn 400 ml in 1000 km. But now he is telling me that's normal. The car is a 2005 with 20 000 km. But they change the shortblock (?? I think it's the upper part of the motor ??) maybe 6 months ago due to a strange noise (something with pistons). So here my question! How much oil burning is consider ok? I know that a little is ok, but man, 2 full bottles per oil change seems a bit to much! Thanks!


But the car run great as always! :cool:

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1 liter per 3000km is your average? Well, that's not good and can get expensive in the long run. What oil are you using?


Some engine designs use oil - especially those with oil spray cooling the piston crowns from below - and some don't.


See as how the EJ25 in you car is NOT known for burning oil, I'd say something is very wrong somewhere.


No more Mr. Nice Guy, make the dealer solve the problem. Preferably a brand new engine. They can return the oil-burner and claim the cost back from Subaru.



(The Germans state 1 liter per 1000km is normal!! However, they specify 0W-30 oils and take into account 120mph travel on motorways)

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1 liter per 3000km is your average? Well, that's not good and can get expensive in the long run. What oil are you using?


Some engine designs use oil - especially those with oil spray cooling the piston crowns from below - and some don't.


See as how the EJ25 in you car is NOT known for burning oil, I'd say something is very wrong somewhere.


No more Mr. Nice Guy, make the dealer solve the problem. Preferably a brand new engine. They can return the oil-burner and claim the cost back from Subaru.



(The Germans state 1 liter per 1000km is normal!! However, they specify 0W-30 oils and take into account 120mph travel on motorways)

I agree, this seems pretty excessive to me. My 91 with 150k looses,burns none between changes.

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That's about a quart every eighteen hundred miles. I've owned two 2.5L SOHC Foresters, and neither one of them even used half a quart over a 5,000 mile oil change interval. Normally, unless they are physically leaking oil through a seal, Subaru engines are very, very tight. However, the general "industry standard" is one quart per thousand miles. Prepare to be hosed. Big time.



Guess who set the ridiculously loose "industry standard" ?

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[...]My 91 with 150k looses,burns none between changes.

I suspect that's not exactly the case; even if the dipstick indicates the same level every time you check it, there still can be loss. Let's assume that external leakage literally is zero. However, any engine with a PCV system sucks a certain amount of oil vapor, and burns it. Piston oil-control rings may seal very well, but they can't (and shouldn't) scrape every last drop of oil from the cylinder walls, and at least a bit is burned with each combustion stroke. Then there are the valve stem seals...


So, how can the loss not show on the dipstick? Easy -- it's made up for with byproducts of combustion, and fuel dilution (due to those imperfect rings again). A major reason for changing oil periodically is that after running in an internal combustion engine for a while, it isn't just oil anymore.

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This is where you find out if your dealer is freind or foe. SUbarus are not oil burners, and if they use oil its usually 1 qt between changes. my 1997 with 187K miles doesnt use any.

Causes of oil burning, is the usual pcv valve, more evil is the rings didnt break in properly. The engine noise was probably piston slap. How many miles ago did they change the block. Also was the engine rebuilt by the dealer, or is it a subaru factiry short block.



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No leaks and I'm using 5w30. Well from the looks of it, the guy at the dealer is trying to pull a fast one on me... Thanks a lot, I'll talk to them at my next visit in 1000 km!


We live on same city, so same climate, my 2003 used to take 1l sometimes a little more between changes (6000km) .....I think these engines take a longtime to breakin.

I'm now at 86000 km and it only takes about 400 ml so as mielage climbed oil consumption was significantly reduced....I know you only have 20000km but I would try 10w30 and you still have plenty time to see how things change.

Don't forget even past 100000km you can claim a engine repair in Qc that's the law here

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got another 1000 km so I went back for my second oil consumption test and now I was missing 750 ml. And once again they tell me that is not much... I really don't know cars like you guys so I'm not really sure what to do... They tell me that's ok, but you tell me that's not... What would YOU do?

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stand my ground. From what i have read you dont have strong consumer laws like we do. Call your local area rep and ask to see the specification in wiriting from the factory service manual. Demand a new engine (Or cylinders and rings).


I bet thier dealers cars or demo models dont use oil.



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