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*EDIT* Quick question peoples...

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Deleted my old post since I dont want to start too many new ones today by myself :lol:. I wanted to ask those who know or have sold an RX full body kit, how much do they usually go for? And if anyone has shipped, how much is shipping usually? Any info would help alot, thanks :D

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nobody? :(



As long as the seats aren't too wide, they can be adapted to fit. There are several threads about adapting other seats into earlier Subarus. "Search" and "Similar Threads" (below bottom of this thread) would be a good place to start. Basically, they all involve making brackets/adapters to fit the Subaru rails to the new seat.

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hmm thats what I thought. I had done some varied searching, I was just wondering if anyone had done such a fit to some recent Recaros or Sparco to see if there was anything different that might be needing pointing out :confused: Ill just have to see whats up then hehe

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