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Since ol blu and i are going to run away for a month (i'll have a laptop with me) i've been updating the car. Ive got my trip computer, i installed an autodimming compass temp mirror. This is going to be a coast to caost drive, since ol blu got a tuneup at a clean bill of health the other day.

Now I am looking for a rear fog light (yes i love night driving). I cant seem to dinf anything JDM or otherwise for my 97 outback that i like. i know the Euro reg is it has to be mounted 100 cm from a break light, which is fine. I'ld like to get something that is OE like if that even exists. i know my 87 had a spot to install them.

Any idea?

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general plan is western South dakota, i love the black hills and havent gotten chased by buffalo in a while, then wyoming to visit a freind and wonder wround there. Then ill go to Galcier (or is it ice cube) national monument, head to seattle and portland, down to San francsico, and head on back.




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I've never even heard of a rear fog light but it sounds cool. Are you making this trip by yourself? I've been thinking of taking such a trip later this year but I wasn't sure if I'd want to do it alone, but if you're going alone that might give me the courage to do it!

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  porcupine73 said:
I've never even heard of a rear fog light but it sounds cool. Are you making this trip by yourself? I've been thinking of taking such a trip later this year but I wasn't sure if I'd want to do it alone, but if you're going alone that might give me the courage to do it!

ive done ti 4 times by car and 6 times by motorcycle. With a cell phone, and AAA card no reason to fear. A well maintained car helps too. Ol blu has 187,000 mile son her, and i have no worries. Ive done this as late as november by car, and snow in wyoming falls sooner then that :)


Rear fog light is mandated in europe by law.



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Cool nipper, that sounds like an awesome trip. So do you just sleep in the car, or stay in hotels?


Hm, the euro mandate sounds interesting. I mean, what's the purpose of that light, if you're driving forward, what does a rear fog light show? Unless you're backing up? (or doing reverse donuts)......:D

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  porcupine73 said:
Cool nipper, that sounds like an awesome trip. So do you just sleep in the car, or stay in hotels?


Hm, the euro mandate sounds interesting. I mean, what's the purpose of that light, if you're driving forward, what does a rear fog light show? Unless you're backing up? (or doing reverse donuts)......:D




Its so you dont get rear ended in a fog bank. Lights serve two purposes, to see and be seen. Thats why its important ALL the lights work on the car. Thats what parking lights are for. Drive behind a Jag sometime with the fog lights on, its really bright. When i lived in SLC out towards the gold mind there nasty pile ups because people counldnt see the car in front of them through the fog.


On the bike i would do hotels freinds or camp. In the car with my problem back hotels . i prefer mom and pop hotels, no phone 2 tv channles, a pot belly sotve, but GREAT beds, and a home cooked meal.



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Terrific Nipper, thanks for pointing the reason for the rear fog lights. Sorry to make you :rolleyes: hehe just never heard of it before and couldn't add 2+1. :D


Thanks for the info on the mom&pop motels, sounds like a plan....I'm thinking dong a solo trip could be a lot of fun! Might not be doing it until December, so maybe I'll stay south of the mason dixon...or what the heck it's a Subaru right so maybe I'll go to Yellowknife! :headbang:

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Hope you enjoy your trip. I hear ya on the mom and pop hotels. The area where I am used to be Mom and Pop Country. Sadly, big corporations are taking things over, and Wal*Marts are springing up everywhere. 'Bout the only thing left here are the eateries. The little stores and bed & breakfast places are long gone.


Hope you can track down your fog lights, too. I'd like to have some, both front and back.:rolleyes: We don't have fog too often around here, but when we do, it rolls in like pea soup. Creeping down the road at 5 mph with your hazards flashing, hoping someone doesn't slam into you isn't very enjoyable.

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  porcupine73 said:

Hm, the euro mandate sounds interesting. I mean, what's the purpose of that light, if you're driving forward, what does a rear fog light show? Unless you're backing up? (or doing reverse donuts)......:D


Just to clear this up for you, the rear fog lights are not white or yellow like up in front. The European rear fog light is red and, I believe, has the same brightness as the brake lights. Driving around here, you may see the odd Audi or Mercedes that has a strangely bright red light closer to the license plate on. Well, that's it, and usually there's some dope behind the wheel who doesn't know he has it on.



Hey nipper, please post whatever solution you find for mounting the light. It would be nice to have something like that on my '98 OBW, too. We don't get that kind of fog often, but the one time you do and get kicked in the can, you'll wish you had that light! Good luck with that trip, too! It sounds like fun. :)

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