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what to put into it

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well hopefully next year as soon as i turn 18 i'm gonna finish hs and go into the real estate and loans world. as we all know our fellow realtors and loan officers like to drive those expensive BMWs and Mercedes and cars like that. we'll not me i plan to drive my 85' wagon. the question is what do i need to do to it as i know that i'm gonna be driving alot what do i need to replace/refurbish/rebuild? and what do i need to make it alittle nicer? here's a pic of the car clean. :brow: imput will be greatly appreciated :)


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You have nice basic transportation, but I wouldn't get too attached to the car. Get your real estate license and an entry job in the field and reward yourself with a newer subaru. In real estate, you wind up driving clients around and your car becomes your second office. If I were driving around with clients, I would want a vehicle with up-to-date safety features like airbags.


Good luck.

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They are no doubt headed for nostalgic to see in professional places. Kinda like "columbo" and his old convertible. :lol:

Depending on your area, you may have a good idea to keep it. "The deal lasts a long time" with the realtor in an old subaru- or other assuring mentality in sales that not all things are temporary and expensive. My previous thoughts are slightly odd, but I was somewhat of a salesman for awhile, and have friends that still are. They too are under the impression for bigger , newer, better, etc. at all times, if it means trading in something that is far from outdated.

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You have nice basic transportation, but I wouldn't get too attached to the car. Get your real estate license and an entry job in the field and reward yourself with a newer subaru. In real estate, you wind up driving clients around and your car becomes your second office. If I were driving around with clients, I would want a vehicle with up-to-date safety features like airbags.


Good luck.


I would say keep it...My realtor drove us around in a beat-up BMW with no headliner,radio didnt work, shook and rattled like crazy..POS...but he was the coolest agent ever and I would never/will never deal with anyone but him. I asked him why he never used the other car ( a new toyota Avalon) and he said the BMW is what makes him...him..He used to work for one of the big named brokers..had such a good following he was able to open his own branch...he now has 3 offices..New isnt always better..its just for show..Be yourself and if that car is YOU then keep it!

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