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90 Loyale Brakes


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any special direction in turning? What do you use to push it in without damage to the boot? I have done many other brakes and never had this boot to deal with. I use a c-clamp or a modified wood vise to push in the caliper.

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Just did it this past weekend. The face of the piston has two slots facing each other. You can use needle nose pliers positioned in these slots and just turn it clockwise while pushing in so as to get the piston in. Be careful to ensure that the boot is out of the way when you check to see if you have got enough clearance with the new pads, I banged the boot between the pads and the piston and gave it a small tear... doh. I just posted over the last week so if you use the search function, you'll revisit my mishaps. The following sites are great for techniques.




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