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Mudpit Videos are here!!

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  Hodaka Rider said:
Cool. Would've been cooler to follow that with the Subaru making it through the same pit, though.


Yeah, i didnt get footage of Rob making it through And he didnt do a 2nd attempt the day after. Would have been REALLY cool. If anyone has footage of rob making it, lemme know!




You know, its totally different when in the car:-p I could barley see where I was going, I just pointed it and stomped on the go peddle (well, almost).

I hope someone comes up with some pics or vid, I would love to see what I was doing from the outside:headbang: And I knew what would happen if I attempted that other side. I was quite happy with making it thru the first holes.

The reason I didnt go in the pit on Sunday was because they decided to fill in the holes so people would watch the RallyX. No challenge there after that.

Theres always next year:burnout:


Alright, I just figured out the vid problem.

In car CAM next time:headbang:

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  TheSubaruJunkie said:
All of them rob? Or just some?


The last 2 say they are still being reviewed and awaiting aproval by YouTube.com




This is what I get on all of them.

The video you have requested is not available.


If you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.


It might be my browser(Nutscrape). I'll try it with IE later.

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  TheSubaruJunkie said:
Ok... found video of Monstaru going through so I whipped that up real quick. Also found a run from Jibs and got the run of the Turbo Forester...


Here's Brian (monstaru)


Got the toyota video captured... thats commin up next.



Sorry all I get from this link are non automotive videos; do I need to get deeper into it to find monstaru's run?
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