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Will Legacy TPS work on Loyale?

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two words: Junkyard.


its something of a PITA, because you have to tear the alternator and AC compressor off to remove it, which means you probably get to do that twice (once to get it out in the boneyard) but its a pocket-sized item, so if you pick up something else cheap to take their attention, youre golden :cool:


maybe im a jerk for stealing from my junkyards, but they are a bunch of bandits themselves....

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heh, well, that didnt occur to me.. and i still think id rather do it the other way, but i can see why someone else might disagree. its not difficult, just a bunch of steps.. also less to get wrong in the re-assembly. however, if youre needing to do other stuff with the intake anyhow, may as well.


I just know i can take all that apart and put it back together easily enough, ive done it three or four times.

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According to Grossgary, the specs in the FSMs are never right on the TPS.
on the XT's they are way off. don't know about others, but i'd be suspicious of other similar era vehicles like EA82....


someone posted a write up over at http://www.xt6.net on how to disassembled and clean up the insides of a TPS. not for someone who hates tedious tiny parts, but he had great results cleaning his out and his engine performance was much smoother.


legacy and loyale definitely won't swap like GD said. i'd get a used one from the yard, they rarely fail in my experience. post on here in the parts wanted section, someone probably has one.

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