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LA area 2 Gen I Brat and other interesting Subaru parts able to ship!

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Hey gang,our good USMB member 'sko a.k.a. Bosco is hitting a yard tomorrow in LA.Half price day so he can score some nice parts for us and ship to you.Helps him if you buy and surely the prices will help you in return.


He's going to be busy so he asked me to post for him.There's two Gen I Brats and an XT...6? and possibly more cool cars not yet seen.


Think up your gen I Brat parts list and he'll post soon.


He has some blue gen I Brat interior parts already.I snagged the remote door handle covers,sorry.

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THanks for the post.


I have a buddy who told me that there are two 1st Gen Brats in the PAP and an XT6. Best of all it's a 1/2 price day. I do plan to go there early in the morning and then returning in the afternoon.


E-mail me at boswan2001(at)yahoo(dot)com. Please title the e-mail "PAP parts" and then put a contact number there. I am going to route the e-mails to me cell phone and it will filter correctly if you title it "PAP parts" I will call you back w/parts and I can even take a picture and send it back to your e-mail. Aren't camera phones sweet?


Anywho time to go to bed...



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