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some engine\car pic ...now with new pic's inside.

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after a lot of work.....

dynamat extream 38 pises of 40*80cm each in total, on all over my car body.....floor\roof\under the fenders\trank\engine\hood\gear....and more and more + all the plastic parts from inside them\dash bord\doors...and more...


now you drive with no engin or road sound at all = it's quite like hell.



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holy cow!

I thought my own obsession was extreme with something similar. Is that engine higher performance? It looks as though you are stopping it from attacking you. :)

Those plug wires are going to last for 50 years! :lol:

Getting beamed by noise is a real nuisance, glad you found a way to stop it.

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I found some stuff that is really killing sound/vibration for a truck bed liner, it is like rubber with nylon threads in it. After taking 200lbs out of the trunk:eek: I put this in. It really deadens sound. I bet it even keeps the fuel cooler, steel tougher.


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i have a lot of things that you cant see in those pic's like:

MSD 7000 ignition = hiding under the fender (not ligal)

haypar voltage system 14.4v.

k&n inbox filter.

spark plugs ngk iredium


and some more...


i have 4 electronic venta, 2 inside and 2 more from outside.


and more and more...



about my trank - i put dynamat extream all over the floor + all over the sides and on the floor = new carpet, and on the sides, new cafpet also, ther is a factory stock carpet that come on the sides of the loyale trank, its hard to find it but, if youll put it, you wont see more the car white body, its cover it all from inside.

after you put dynamat exteam on the floor of the trank = you finish with your exaust sound, its unvelivable...like you dont have exaust.

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