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exhaust making a puttering sound

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It sounds like a leaking exhaust to me..


can you find the source of it? is the sound coming directly from the exhaust? or maybe somewhere under the car, or perhaps from the engine itself?


are you sure the timing belts are installed correctly?

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It sounds like a leaking exhaust to me..


can you find the source of it? is the sound coming directly from the exhaust? or maybe somewhere under the car, or perhaps from the engine itself?


are you sure the timing belts are installed correctly?


It's definetely under the hood.

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yea i think your timing is off. if not then it was set for hi performance or better acceleration, so the carb can be tunes to compensate.



It's definetely under the hood. Might also add that whenever the air is on, the enging tries to overheat. This also started after the belts
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I would definately double check the cam timing. It is easy to get a belt one tooth off.


Does the car seem a bit slower than usual? If so, cam timing for sure.


Another possiblility: damage to the radiator during the timing belt change? Old, corroded rad, now with enough fins missing to make it overheat when loaded by the AC? Seems unlikely, but worth considering if the cams are good.


I am not sure about the puttering sound. Could it be the infamous "tick of death", lifter noise? (Don't worry, it isn't bad for the engine, it is called that because it drives those who are upset by it to the brink of suicide trying to eliminate it!)

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Our 93 Loyale is making a puttering sound. This started after we had a new timing belt put on. Any ideas?




Very likely the tech did not do the belt right. If it's not timed right (the belt/cams) it will overheat, either from late cam timing or impossible to adjust ignition timing - the distributor is at the end of the range of adjustment and still won't bring the timing in. Symtoms are being down on power and it just doesn't run right.

If the belt is too tight it will whine and can "flutter", if it's too loose it will "flap". I don't know why some techs want to string the timing belts really tight, it's not an alternator belt. It's a cogged belt and needs to be tensioned correctly.

I'd take it back to the shop. The manager will know that it's not the first time that particular tech has done stuff like this.

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yea i think your timing is off. if not then it was set for hi performance or better acceleration, so the carb can be tunes to compensate.



Carb is not the problem! FI only in '93. Know your product before you give advice.


Chances are the belt(s) is off by a tooth. That or the timing was set incorrectly. There is a procedure for setting the timing other than just adjusting the distributor. Who did the work? Were they a Subaru shop?

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