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Pulling Off Brakes


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I seem to be struggling with removing the brake pad from the back right side of my 92 Subaru Loyale. I have completly lost my Hanes manual so I cant refer to that. I have removed the tire, the four lug nuts, and the one large nut in the center of the wheel. I was told that if i gently tapped a hammer on the back side, it should slide out. Didnt work, even after WD-40. I was then suggested some kind of brake disc puller but the guys at my local auto shop said that there arent any that will fit a subaru. Is there a screw or bolt anywhere that I missed thats holding it in there still?

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Whoa, step back, put the 36 mm nut back on, unless you are changing rotors, which i assume you aren't.


There is a 14mm bolt on the rear of the caliper, and after you pull that one the caliper will rotate up out of the way of the brake pads.


Very Important

Don't just push the piston back into the caliper, it must be spun clockwise, either with the proper tool, or with pliers. be sure to relieve the pressure in the system by pulling the master cylinder cap off. If you don't finish it all in one night, don't leave the cap off overnight, water will get in and you won't stop as well.



Now, if the "back right side" is the rear caliper on the back axles, there are two 12mm bolts that hold the caliper on, once they've been removed you can just pull off the pads, or if necessary pry them out with a prybar/screwdriver.

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