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Does anyone have any information or experience with the Lemon Law, specifically in California? my New 2.5i needs to go bye bye.. it has MAJOR issues, but the dealer is basically saying im screwed....:banghead: i know i need to go through Subarau for the lemon law, im just trying to find out exactly what the process looks like and how to get it started... any help would be AWESOME. thanks!

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you need to be persistent, read up on the laws for your state and be very firm with the dealer. if you approach them properly and tell them it's time to get an attorney involved they will usually cooperate somehow. talk to managers, regional reps...get names and numbers and start hounding. unfortunately it requires some effort and consistency. my aunt finally got a new vehicle taken care of by the lemon law and all i remember from that time was that it was a serious PITA and some of my relatives needed to help her out, she got nowhere on her own (she's too nice).

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Does anyone have any information or experience with the Lemon Law, specifically in California?[...]
If the problems are ones that arise from manufacturing defects and the like (not owner abuse), and the dealer has been given a reasonable number of opportunities to make repairs but is unsuccessful, you may have a shot at resolution under your state's laws. For CA, see these:



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I may be wrong but I thought the lemon law was a Federal law, the dealer should have it posted somewhere in the dealership, if not ask them. I think they are required to provide you with the contact information you need.

Does anyone have any information or experience with the Lemon Law, specifically in California? my New 2.5i needs to go bye bye.. it has MAJOR issues, but the dealer is basically saying im screwed....:banghead: i know i need to go through Subarau for the lemon law, im just trying to find out exactly what the process looks like and how to get it started... any help would be AWESOME. thanks!
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In texas the vehicle must be in for the SAME problem(safety or operational) 3 times within some fairly small number of months. That is, if you have 5 DIFFERENT things that make the car stall 3 months, you're stuck. But if the ECU or ABS is bad 3 times in 3 months you might get a new car (I think minus some pro-rating for your use of the vehicle) and the opportunity to use the LL goes away after a year or something.


I'd expect california law to be different in detail, but similar in intent.



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