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EA82 Starters... Differences?

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Is there a difference in the EA82 starters for stick versus auto? I need to grab one for a trip to Seattle, and my neighbor's got three spares for his turbo wagon, 3AT... The car I'm picking up is 5mt... the guy at the junkyard said there was a difference, i just need to confirm... he's said some other stuff before that was totally bull. If I can put a starter from an auto onto a stick, successfully, then that'd be cool. Thanks in advance.



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I have heard that there are differences in the drive, but I have swapped back and forthe between manual and auto without noticing any difference in fit or operation.


I have seen that various manuals have listed the auto version with a higher KW rating. (25-50% greater, can't remember exactly.)

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All of mine are gear-reduction. I have not seen one that isn't...yet.


The turbo auto was the one that I have seen spec'd at a higher KW rating.


funny. mine wasnt gear reduction, and all the ones i was seeing in the boneyards were. i took the leap, though, and it was the same thing.. i wasnt that concerned. hence my above post.


id be willing to bet we could find starters out of another japanese car that would work just fine, too. just a matter of cross referenceing and test fitting. but who wants to do all that?

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Hey many thanks folks... the dude at the junkyard was fresh out of my old high school, he was a freshman when I was a senior, so I'm quite sure he hasn't a clue. I have heard that the mounting points are different... anyone else heard that? It's not hard to remedy, I'll just take my angle grinder and open it up a bit, total rednecktivity, but if I don't have to, I won't. Ya'll are awesome, thanks again.

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i must say that i did wind up making sure i grabbed a starter out of one of the other automatic cars while i was at the kunkyard..... but there was only one stickshift, and every car out there had what appeared to be the same starter (the gear-reduction type) where mine was differen,t a direct drive. However, Ive looked at the starters in every soob ive seen in 6 months.. and almost ALL of them were gear reduction type. i havent seen a diverse selection (no ea81, no justy or brat, no turbos, only a couple 4wd, no d/r, etc etc) by any means, though.


what starter did you wind up using?

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i'll give you a heads up. sometimes the starter control circuit on these cars develops an issue. the key switch operates the low power line going into the solenoid, right? sometimes the wiring thru the switch on these cars has gotten old, and there is too much resistance to get good current to the solenoid terminal.. so you go to start the car, and all you get is a click click, and sometimes even the click goes away. it seems like a bad solenoid, but its not... and the simple fix is to install a relay in the circuit.


IF you run into this problem, do a search including my name, starter, and relay. that should return all the info you need, ive been going on at length about this in the last month or so. I mention it because the gear reduction starters, and the direct drive starters, are liable to have different wattage requirements and you never know. my car would do the old starter fine, usually, but the new one, unh-uh.....

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yes, auto starters are geared higher. I just put a starter in out of a 3AT.. That thing really winds up compared to my gear reduced starter.


I think a legacy starter will work in a EA series car also. Sizes are a lil different, but I think I've swapped one before

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