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Clicky driver's window -- How do I get in to fix it?

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My divers side window on my '97 Legacy clicks when going up. I guess it's some cog/gear that's worn out. I spend 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get "inside" my door to check things out. I can only find two screws -- but nothing wiggles when I've got them both out.




Thanks -- Doss

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Did get in there at least twice. I think there are no more than 2 screws (one under the armrest an the other one in the handle's recess.

One last plastic fastener at the front of the door (just pull on it).

To remove the inside panel after that you have to use a flat scew driver or anything with a flat blade one to two inches wide and put that between the panel and the door frame at the bottom and at the side prying gently towards you while staying the closest possible to each fastener (look at the panel side ways). It will become intuitive as it progresses. There are about 8 or 10 plastic fasteners holding the pannel in place at the bottom and at each side. You just push in to reinstall.

Hope that helps.

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Their is some good tools at most auto stores for removing those plactic push in fastener's. Started to change the window motor in my son's 92 Buick today, once I got the panel off, I changed my mind, and called my nephew, (he is manger of a G.M. dealer body shop) He said it is real easy to lose a finger when taking electic motors off so be careful. Subaru's may not be as tough. He's going to change mine for fifty dollar's so I feel that's a bargan.

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