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EA82 production info

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I have requested this prior, but no answer...

My engine has a serial in 6 digits. Is the 7th digit going to make it 1 million something or 2 million? It is a 1993 2wd 07/92 (the last year for one). I inadvertantly posted the serial in the ea81 section misunderstanding the thread.did the 2wd got to 12/92 or did it keep on going through 93?

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ok, to maybe spark this thread a bit...

a quote from 2001 in a subaru forum:


"...although official statements had it that 1993 is the last year of Loyale's production, wagon 4WD version dragged into 1994,...."


I can't find what I want. :confused:

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  • 5 weeks later...

No sube enthusiast can answer this apparently. I went to cars101.com and figured some things out by sales in the usa listed there.

1985-1989 (all sube models) = 830623

1990-1994 (all models) = 523200



I would like to thank the schmuck who answered the question incorrectly at "yahoo questions". I most likely meant what I said in reply to the answer of 242k gl/dl/loyales made within 1985-1990 :

"I think there is that many in the northeast usa alone!"


I guess to narrow it down anymore would need the elusive info from a reliable source. I have emailed SOA with a comment, but I am sure that doesn't get very far. :)

given these facts from sales my late 1993 engine's real serial is 1107177 not 107177- there aren't many newer than that.

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Actually it's impossible to tell. Since the serial was stamped at the factory in japan, it's not specific to US only numbers. You need to know how many EA82 engines were made total for ALL markets.




Impossible is possible if you let it happen.

Thinking of the world may have different numbering- if they were all in one "bucket" is indeed doubtful. I am pursuing the answers however, what I derived is common sense, nothing more.The serial racked over, as I learned from the ea81 thread here. Assuming they categorized the numbering for geographic/demographic reasons seems likely but I am uncertain.The numbers seem to fit however, only if usa had its own numbering scheme from fuji.:) Subtracting the xt6 engine makes it even more likely it is a rack over just once for the serial I am guessing at right now.

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why bother they didn't do anything cool with the ea82 the way they did with the ea81, they were all 9.5 to compression except the turbo and carbie ones. aside from turbo heads there were no variations in the heads, there were a few slight changes in the cams but that is it, and thus i really don't see the point in debaiting it

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I am outta here.:confused:

Enough is Enough.

I didn't mind donating to a good cause (usmb). my site will remain up, with facts some folks like "GD" like to pound on negate and doubt.

I have time during the day and frequented this place for quite some time.Been fun and mostly real, and even entertaining at times. I even think I got addicted to the routine of coming here. :)


Will have an old soob for some time to come, thanks for the help I did get. Most of it is on my own if anyone hasn't noticed, and I add things voluntarily like most usmb members did and do.




so much for a peaceful time here. It is way more degradation than not (I really mean it- I have had enough). Bye Now!

Good luck to you moderators on becoming an organization. long live the soob. :)

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I am outta here.:confused:

Enough is Enough.




I couldn't help but notice some of the dialog between you and others on this site, both within this thread as well as others previously. My personal impression is that much of the seemed friction is more of a difference in styles of communication and not really any malicious intent. Most of these guys are here to enjoy the hobby and can be very helpful and well meaning. Part of which includes good humored bantering which you seem to have recieved your fair share.


Don't take it personally. Enjoy and contribute.




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That was weird...


Hey - just to let you guys know...if anyone so much as makes a joke about my queries in the future, I'm totally going to follow suit (copy bgd73): I will flip my lid and peace out for EVER. Never mind all the Subaru geniuses on this site that can help with nearly any problem and have a good time doing it...





Okay, my bad...that was totally not called for. I'm a jerk. Sorry bgd73.


I hope that bgd73 comes back...unless he is going to go postal again...

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I'm dancing for no more pointless, word-salad posts. And for no more "invisibles".


Along with the beutifully succesful auto to D/R swap that left my garage with a happy owner today - this makes my day :)


AND it was payday today.... man Oct 1st is AWESOME.




runs like a champ! :headbang:

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