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hey everyone


i just got the head gaskets replaced on my car and now the check engine light is on...when i go 120km/h the car does a jerking motion forward and backward and the rpms go up and down about 200rpm......i dont know what that means.....so i was wondering how to get the beeps outof the car so i can match it up with the code to see what is wrong.....you know the diagnostic beeps?



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What kind of car is it?


I don't know of any diagnostic "beeps." On cars made till 1994, the Check Engine Light would flash the code at you. On 1995-up cars, you have to hook a scantool up to it.


Did the mechanic possibly forget to hook a sensor back up?

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On a '97 you'll need a code reader to pull the codes. Most auto parts stores will use their reader to pull codes for you.


Seems like this should be an issue you'd want to address to the person who did your head gaskets?

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SOme auto parts stores will read the codes with a scantool for free. Or you could take it to a shop and pay $50. You need a scan tool for a 1997, there's no other way. Look for loose wires under the hood.Especially check the ones under the manifold, coolant temp's and whatnot.

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