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STUPID question, where's the gas door release?

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Please, I feel bad enough already.......


92 Loyale. I THOUGHT it was the lever on the floor to the left of the drivers seat but that's the trunk release and up/down does nothing to pop the gas door. I can't find a button anywhere but I'm probably looking right at it.

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So it IS this lever? With the trunk open when I move this lever it moves the cable on the trunk release. Is there some kind of linkage in the middle of the cable or something that splits this into 2? There is only one cable off the lever by the seat. Also, I tried gently prying open the gas door and it seemed to want to tweak the door before ever popping open. I didnt want to bend the door if I was just missing the release.

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yep, its broken. you push the lever down to open the gas door..


i could go on in detail on how the cable system works, as the entire functional apparatus has been exposed on my car by a giant rust hole just above the gas door, encompassing the bottom corner of the rear window...


i havent got any pics tho, as i have no digi. I took some on a friend's cam once, but she never emailed em to me :- (


anyhow, its a long-winded thing to have to describe, and you probably wont be able to acess it very easily. most people pry it open and disable it somehow.

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OK, figured out but not fixed yet.


The long cable from the lever to the gas door lever is broken where it connects to the gas door lever. the outside ring on the cable is broken off, not the cable itself. I'm going to pull out the trunk release part and fix the cable end somehow. The trunk opens fine with the key anyway.


I'll post how I fixed it when I get-er done.

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okay, you obviously understand how it all functions, and it sounds like yours broke the same way mine did. the little retaining collar that holds the outer cable onto the lever broke, right? i simply got some fairly thin tie-wire, wrapped it around the cable insulator a couple of times, and then kinda started wrapping it around the lever like the way a tomohawk head is wrapped onto a stick with a piece of leather.. crossing over, and changing the cross-over diagonal, etc etc.. I twisted the wire end back over onto the cable, and it has held now for a good seven or eight months.


It was no big deal until i started putting 500 miles a week on the car delivering pizzas.. because i could reach into my rust hole and pull the lever by hand..:clap:


can you see my point, about how the mecahnism could take some time to describe? sorry for the laziness earlier, but at least ive found a fix. If i ever get around to it, i may even strengthen the bond by surrounding it all with JB weld, like i said i would when i first tied it together.

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Mine was "frozen" after sitting for a year when I got it. A little lithium grease on either end of the cable, and it started working again after I pounded on it for a while. Definately best to lube that sucker up real good. It also helps I noticed to give the catch tab on the door some adjustment so you don't have to push the lever down so hard each time you use it.



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OK, this is how I fixed it. I cut the cable off passed the little crimped on fitting on the cable and pulled out the section continuing on to the trunk lock. Then I welded a little bracket I made onto the door pop bracket and slotted it for the cable. Now it's a pull cable and not a push to pop the gas door. I tried to get good pictures of it with the cable installed but it's too dark in the trunk, yes it was broke just where you said it was - the plastic ring broke off the end of the cable shield. I used it just as-is to clip into the arm and it works slick. Here's a pic of the bracket.(I think the pic will come up, this is the first one I have tried here. I attatched it under Additional options).


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ahh, I see.. to be honest, it never occurred to me to say stuff the trunk release, just rig it to run the gas door and be done with it. I prefer to keep stuff working, and hate HAVING to use my key to open the trunk... but I see youre point. I had a much easier time wire tying it together thanks to my handy access hole. ("big props" are in order to my man Oxidation for that one!! thanks bud!)


Before i fixed it, you could just reach in the hole and grab the whole cable, and pull it to open the trunk.. now that doesnt work anymore, because before the outer insulation (gas door "cable") was sliding on the inner wire (trunklid "cable") and then ultimately just tugged the inner wire.. but now its all solid.


obviously, though, if you dont mind using your key (and if it even occurs to you :rolleyes:) your solution is a bit simpler.

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Yeah, this car is going to my daughter when I get all the goofy stuff fixed so I want it to be as "normal" as possible. I don't want her to have to "mess" with anything. I just want her to get in and drive...... :) she can use the trunk key but prying the gas door open everytime is probably not good.

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