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1970s motor mounts

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Got a quick question. Hope someone may know the answer.


Are the automatic transmission front motor mounts, (bracket and rubber block), the same as the standard transmission ones?


Close inspection visually, they looked identical, but when I installed my new motor, with the mounts from the "standard" trans car, it appeared that they about 1/4" off. However, with some pushing of the rubber, I was able to set the mounts in the holes. A tight fit though! I guess the rubber flexes 1/4" without difficulty. I think I'm OK with that.


I have installed 20 plus of these engines, however all were standard.


If anyone has a parts book that has 1977-1979 Subaru cars with automatic transmissions listed, I'd love to get the left and right front motor mount bracket and rubber part #s. I can then compare it to the standard ones. (I just don't have a "2wd" "automatic" parts reference for these years.





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Most of my cars when I put the motor back in, from the 70's up to 90's auto's and manuals, the motor mounts usually require a little persuasion to pop into the holes in the belly pan. Doesn't seem outa place to me. If'n you have to do a lot of serious work to get the studs in place, then I would say something is wrong. But for the most part, the rubber isn't exactly perfect with the holes, so there will be a little "popping them into place".

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