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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

Last PRG rallycross of 2006---Oct. 15th.

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Latest info from Erik:


When: Sunday, October 15th, 2006


Where: 6636 Prather Rd SW, Rochester, WA


What: PRG RallyCross


Cost: $30 per competitor



8am-9am: Tech, then registration (course open for course walk)

9:15am: Driver's meeting

9:25am: Parade Lap

9:30am: First car out


Order of operations:

1. Tech inspection (please remove all loose items from your vehicle before tech inspection).

a. If you are changing tires to compete, please do so before tech inspection

2. Registration

3. Driver's meeting / worker assignments

4. Parade lap

5. First car out


Helmets are required (Snell 95 and newer rating). Loaner helmets will be available at the event but in limited supply.


If you're unsure about what class your car will run in, please read this: http://scca.org/_FileLibrary/File/20...CrossRules.pdf


Spectators: All spectators are welcome at this event! There is no charge as this event isn't at the ORV park!


See you out there!



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