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Mud Bogs This Weekend!! PICTURES!!!!


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Well instead of doing the intelligent thing and spending the summer working on my suby to get it ready for the bogs i waited until the last minute..... So i started on it and put the engine back into it last night, didn't have a weber so i jerry rigged and stripped down 2 Hitachi carbs that i had laying around. did then exhaust up on the rack and then realized, after i got it back on the ground, that if i used those mufflers its going to hang down WAY to far but i actually got the thing running last night for the first time in a year and a half... I'm going to get some picture up as soon as i get a chance but as it sits right now its got a modified AA 4 inch lift (mods would be the welded brackets), i just finished a Lincoln locker diff, stripped and spray lined interior, and now a custom "racing" carb, and 14'' pugs that will have wild cat ext's mounted and custome 2'' racing exhaust thats going to be changed but i will take pictures of the way it is now.





Like i said as soon as i can figure out how to put pictures on i will!!!




Things left o finish tonight Before Friday:



*Drain Cock for Radiator

*Fuel Breather Filter

*Skid Plate

*Fix exhaust and install Cherry Bombs


*Mount and Balance Tires

*Install New Axle Seal on Locked Diff

*Install Locked Diff

*Bleed Brake system

*Install New Throttle Cable

*Mod and Build Strut Support

*Install Lock tight on All Lift Bolts

*Intsall Undercoating








Stripped Down Hitachi "Race Carb"


Engine COmpartment


2'' Header Pipes


Muffler that i am replaceing with bombs


Lift Brace from under the car


Lift Brace From Wheel well


New Tires that need to be mounted


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  Bobby_boucher said:
Well instead of doing the intelligent thing and spending the summer working on my suby to get it ready for the bogs i waited until the last minute..... So i started on it and put the engine back into it last night, didn't have a weber so i jerry rigged and stripped down 2 Hitachi carbs that i had laying around. did then exhaust up on the rack and then realized, after i got it back on the ground, that if i used those mufflers its going to hang down WAY to far but i actually got the thing running last night for the first time in a year and a half... I'm going to get some picture up as soon as i get a chance but as it sits right now its got a modified AA 4 inch lift (mods would be the welded brackets), i just finished a Lincoln locker diff, stripped and spray lined interior, and now a custom "racing" carb, and 14'' pugs that will have wild cat ext's mounted and custome 2'' racing exhaust thats going to be changed but i will take pictures of the way it is now.





Like i said as soon as i can figure out how to put pictures on i will!!!




Things left o finish tonight Before Friday:



*Drain Cock for Radiator

*Fuel Breather Filter

*Skid Plate

*Fix exhaust and install Cherry Bombs


*Mount and Balance Tires

*Install New Axle Seal on Locked Diff

*Install Locked Diff

*Bleed Brake system

*Install New Throttle Cable

*Mod and Build Strut Support

*Install Lock tight on All Lift Bolts

*Intsall Undercoating


This all sounds so hauntingly familiar:rolleyes:

Your not building a Rhino are you?:lol:

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  Sweet82 said:
Your oil pressure sensor seems to be beggin to be hit?

Are you going to have some sort of cover/skid plate for it?


Great Pics!


Yeah i have started a 1x1x1/8'' tubing skid plate frame that will hold a peice of 1/8'' skid plate so that even if it smacks the skid plate its going to have to bend the 1x1x1/8'' square tubing to damage anything:banana:




Im Not really goot at paint but here is the basic idea of what i have half welded up






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  Allied Armament said:
Nice job, the biggest defense for mud bogging now, other than lack of power, is a skidplate. someone here used to and still can make them :rolleyes:



Yeah i like your design but i started some fab stuff here at the shop and we have all the equiptment to do it plus it has to be done on friday otherwise i would have called you on it.

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The Saga Continues!!!!



Well Its Thursday night and the hatch is ready for its locker diff......


i get the locker wleded...




The cover cleaned and painted fancy




and get it all put together.....




And then decided since i got the thing from my girlfriend car...it was a spare i didn't just steal it... i had better check and see if its a 3.9 or a 3.7 so i look and there is not sticker on the one that came out of the hatch so i pull the cover and count the teeth on the ring gear....its a 3.9 alright so the i try and remember what my girlfriend that i have just spent time welding and painting was so i have to drive back to the house and get under her lifted wagon to see what her diff is and guess what its a frigin 3.7





so then i have to go back through and clean and weld the stupid 3.9... well i got some other stuff done......kinda



I modded the gas peddle so that my foot wouldn't slip off





Got my frame done for my brush guard.....





And am waiting for the paint to dry on the SECOND diff




But then i start the car and see a coolant leak...hmm i wonder where thats coming from?? Take a mirror and it looks like my intake it cracked and the car has to be done tomorrow so i pull the intake and realize that its not the intake thats leaking I'm just so tired from working on the dang thing that i didn't get the carb bolts all tight on the front of the carb and it all leaked back..... hmm well back to work its not mid-night and i still have to install the diff, re-install the intake, put the rear shocks on it and then move all of the customer cars to the front of the building!!!




Part 3 Continues tomorrow at midnight.....if I'm still alive!!!

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Well its now 1:30 and i am P*SSED OFF. New Gaskets on the car and intake. Cleaned Intake to look for cracks and found NONE yet i still have a F*ING Coolant Leak?!?!?!?!?!? Well I got the other diff in at least and still have yet to bleed the brakes Tune and Test and Mount the tires I hope i can make it for the bogs but as of now its iffy. Hopfully my boss will let me work on the car throughout the day without too much complaining. O'well i guess thats what happens when you procrastinate....shoot im soo tired i can even spell......

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check a hose on the front of the intake for me.....there are two of them.one on the left anf one on the right......i bet they ease your pain.sometimes a pin-hole leak is coming from one of those guys and is disasterously(?) annoying.maybe even just a screw tightening could solve your issues.i know these things you probably already know,just trying to make it easier for your head in the rush.:grin:

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I know your pain! It seems there is always something that needs to be done that takes time before going to a road course. And having stuff falling off is not only inconvenient but could be a little dangerous at 100+


Hopefully you'll have some mudding pics to post! :)

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Well i got a good 2 hours of sleep last night and im having the tires mounted right now, sucky thing is the boss isnt to happy that im trying to use bay space in the middle of the day....o'well i told him he can fire me AFTER the mud bogs LOL :lol: hopfully ill have her done before midnight tonight...but ill get things updated as the progress continues!!!

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Well i was up until 5 am on saturday tryin to get everything finished and i did.... so i went home to take a nap before i had to be at the bogs and racers have to be there by 7:30 so go home set the alarm and wake up and relize that its 8:30 so i jump out of bed call the guy that is running the bogs and he said its okay if i still come down. I head down there and the pit is 3 feet deep of just water and i thought that that was the finish line so i didnt get too worried but then they decided to run the bogs the opposite direction so now im freaking out and the 4 cylinder class is first to go so i just say screw it and line up. got about 60 feet in and felt it start to cough and die so they had to pull me out and you could smell clutch for miles!! get it back out and over to where im parked and pull the plugs and crank it over to get the water out of the intake but there is none so i take a closer looke at the filter and its plugged solid with mud so i have to get another which my co worker who was comming down brought for me. but then the people running the thing decide that there is too much water and they are going to make it more mud than water. They broke 2 tractors in the process and it took 3 hours and then they decided to run the v8 classes first and work there way down to the smaller classes. so they extreme modifieds line up and neither of them make it more that 30 feet. so every single truck that goes through gets pulled out pulling more and more soupy mud to the end of the pits. 4 hours after my first run i get back into my suby and start it and go to back up and i get massive clutch chatter so im thinking, o'well ill just go get it stuck 1 more time before the end of the day. get down there and get into line to go and what do you know my clutch is now toast.......o'welll has a damn good timing doing it and learned that doing things last minute really beats you up..

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