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Brake pad clarification?? Wear indicators

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Ok, can someone clarify to me where the rivited on metal tab, on the one brakepad goes? In a set 2 pads have the clip on it. Does it go on the bottom, inside of the rotor on the front wheel?


How about rear disks. The same way? Inside, bottom?


I have seen them on the out side bottom too.


How about shims.....do they have to be glued on/ anti-squealed?



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The pads will work either way. Just put them in however they fit best if they get in the way of the clips or something.


Anti-squeal on the clips and shims is a good idea. I like the spray cans although that stuff seems a little thin for slide pins so get a packet of grease for that.

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i've seen some that the little rivet needs to be lined up with the indentation the caliper piston. this would most likely be old school stuff though that im' thinking about with the faced pistons and front e-brake. for newer stuff i don't think it matters, but i've never paid much attention to it either.


i've never seen a subaru old or new gen need anti squeal or grease or anything added. slap them pads, replace rotors as needed and you should be golden.

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I just did brakes on my wife's 93 legacy. The pads that I used had a label where each pad went, such as "RH Inner, LH Inner" and etc. With that in mind, I installed them just like it was labeled and the metal tab that's riveted on ended up being the inner pad at all 4 locations.


I used brake grease/lubricant/anti-squeal on the backs of all the pads and shims.

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