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wheel cylinders

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recently i've been having trouble with my brakes on my 90 loyale s/r 5 speed.

i had a seized front caliper, so i replaced that, then i blew up a wheel cylinder, so i replaced that, then a hold-down clip broke in half, allowing the shoe to drag on the outer surface of the drum causing an awful racket, so i fixed that. yesterday i blew up the same wheel cylinder as before. the boot was shredded and it looks like something took a chunk out of one end of the cylinder's bore. it's all fixed now but i was wondering if there could be a different contributing factor. the booster/mc was replaced several years ago and there are newer flex hoses all around. the hill holder is NOT connected. all my brakes were properly bled using the X pattern as well. has anyone else repeatedly blown up wheel cylinders? any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


the car is my DD and sometimes i drive on graded logging roads, no wheeling or anything like that.

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My only suggestion would be to check and double check that the shoes are in the correct way, with all the clips fitted correctly, and that the self adjuster is working correctly (if fitted, if its a manual one, check that its adjusted properly).


Do you file away the leading edges of the shoes before fitting them? Although i can't see how it would cause a problem like yours, not filing the edges can cause the shoes to self actuate......


An improperly fitted shoe could load the wheel cylinder differntly than it was designed for.


Other than that, maybe its just a coincidence and you happened to get a bung wheel cylinder - they are pretty cheap and crap from the ones i've seen lately.

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