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No Spark

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ok, i have a 1980 subaru GL hatchback, 4 wheel drive, 1.6 L, i cant get it to start, i put 3 different coils in it, but still no spark, and thats everything, just aint getting any spark, it turns over just dont catch. on top the coil originaly in the subaru, it has a ignition transister, im assuming, thats the problem, and is why i aint getting any spark, so is there a way to bypass this ignition transister, or how much a new one would be, because i had an 82 subaru GL hatchback, and it didnt have this igniton transister and i havent seen one on any of my subarus i have owned, so ya i really want this car running, please help..

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Dear Greenie

Please pull your dist. cap and see if you have a points and condenser ignition.

My bet is you do and the points want adjusted.

The transistor you refer to is probably an ignition noise suppression capacitor.

If I am way off base please excuse this post.

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check that the coil is getting voltage before you buy any more parts... i believe it should have a hot terminal and a ground terminal, but ive never ACTUALLY troubleshooted (troubleshot?) this issue before so im just parroting what ive heard...


you could search for coil +voltage and PROBABLY find a post that goes into it in greater detail.

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The box on top of the coil is part of the ignition. Sorry Skip, not a suppressor. However, check the fuse box. There will be a fuse marked ignition. Check it and the fusible links in the engine compartment.


Check for power at the coil as well. You may have a bad condensor, points or even cap as well. Find where you lose elictricity and work from there.

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