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I wrecked the Sube.


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The bug lights were standard on all GL/GL-10/RX/Loyales.


The only ones with the four headlights were the DLs.


In 86, it most likely is carb'd. The SPFI cars were rare.




ok thanks.:) I am in pursuit of more info from owner. Here locally be it dealer inventory , the four headlights you could count on a carb, the bug lenses oem, have never been seen with a carb, unless someone put it there. Either way, the GL found was from alaska, 120k.

Meanwhile, I found a photo'd clone on the net of the camaro that likes to push loyales off the road and run away.. Gm had a "z28 brown" further proving his playful v8 with my little car and the honda he was also harassing. I know not many from Maine are here in this forum, but I will post a "wanted" here. The driver had black hair, clean shaven. Having driven a camaro, he was not a short guy sitting in the drivers seat. The car, if untouched from accident will have several spots of white on the front right tire, and possibly fender.If spotted locally, would love its Maine license plate number. photo below is exact. The damage, again, would be on its right side somewhere. An expert could also prove momentum of the skid left on my car - he was the aggressor speeding up, causing accident.





I just called the state troopers desk that handled the case. I will find why the motivation was not there to catch it. He ran for a reason, I am left with a totalled car that doesn't leave the road by itself. Every part was new/excellent before this event. :mad:

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I would assume that you have already contacted a lawyer?


Given the book value of the car i did not. No need to dig a deep hole for truth not getting pursued properly. Maybe I'll pretend I am religious, let the voodoo and witchcraft fly until the day of real reckoning .:grin:

I have encountered this before, with an accident in the woods of Maine. I can't quite remember how many years it took to resolve. To this day, in the area that this falsity happened, I avoid. "Life in the slow lane" <- jokingly Maine motto.A perfect sign for the retards capitol of the world- becuase a stupid person is not a disease. My heart isn't actually filled with joy over this thought.:mad: When I can't think, I walk away, alot of this place just doesn't know enough to do that - hence laws. May they keep working out our lowly expense, with a damn BRAIN that FUNCTIONS. :)

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Given the book value of the car i did not. No need to dig a deep hole for truth not getting pursued properly. Maybe I'll pretend I am religious, let the voodoo and witchcraft fly until the day of real reckoning .:grin:

I have encountered this before, with an accident in the woods of Maine. I can't quite remember how many years it took to resolve. To this day, in the area that this falsity happened, I avoid. "Life in the slow lane" <- jokingly Maine motto.A perfect sign for the retards capitol of the world- becuase a stupid person is not a disease. My heart isn't actually filled with joy over this thought.:mad: When I can't think, I walk away, alot of this place just doesn't know enough to do that - hence laws. May they keep working out our lowly expense, with a damn BRAIN that FUNCTIONS. :)


Well, he did drive a camaro, that should be evidence that he was lacking basic knowledge to begin with.

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Well, he did drive a camaro, that should be evidence that he was lacking basic knowledge to begin with.


The stupid part about this camaro is the fact he ran. I think he may have been a drunk. I could spot him in a line-up no doubts as we got that close. Why he was challenging little foriegn cars on the freeway? I could guess on his place of origin if it meant a false accusation of racist towards me.I tried to live with it in the past, and ran like hell to get away from the very mentailty that stupid driver thinks he can get away with.I had a further assumption he went home and bragged to his friends.. I bet it was not even a bad dream ...

The 86 gl is looking promising. it has the carb and buglights, not all that common. 4hi and low.Exhaust has the infamous leak on that generation heads.I would be giving it spfi heads and spfi unit first thing along with keeping the vacuum advance distributor somehow (I loved that nearly perfect durability). But I have to wait again for current owner to confirm.. :rolleyes:

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Re read!

I have! More than once.


From what I can gather,(And I could be wrong. Like I said, I am having a hard time understanding him) he was going around a corner in the right hand lane and found himself coming up fast on a slow moving honda that 'appeared out of nowhere', so he tried to avoid it by swerving into another lane that was already occupied by a passing brown Camaro, ending up between the Camaro and Honda, trading paint with both of them, before heading into the right guardrail. How far off am I?


I am curious to know who, if anyone, was ticketed in this accident, and for what.

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i gathered that it was a two lane road, with bgd in right lane.. honda was going ~30(?) mph, below minimum speed, with no blinkers. BGD suddenly realized that he needed to get out of that lane (albeit possibly later than ideally) and tried to do so, but the 70mph camaro refused to yield to his signal, brake lights, and jab out to that lane.. camaro went a bit to the shoulder and continued blowing by, knocked bgd into a clockwise spin and he landed in the middle median/divider rail....



something close to that at least.... and BGD was going a reasonable speed, maybe a bit over but the flow of traffic, which was 50-55.. camaro was doing 70.


thats what happens when you stuff an old corvette engine into a cheapo chassis and stick some numbskull behind the wheel and make him think he has a real car under him.


I like camaros!! but they need to be BUILT into a sportscar/hotrod.. they do NOT come from the factory with much :lol: Chevy actually made a 1-le edition which was essentially a race-prepped camaro, with upgraded suspension (i think macphersons or coilovers all around, i forget tho) and a full rollcage, as well as an LT-1 engine (my chevy engine nomenclature may be TOTALLY off, please dont quote me on that)

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i gathered that it was a two lane road, with bgd in right lane.. honda was going ~30(?) mph, below minimum speed, with no blinkers. BGD suddenly realized that he needed to get out of that lane (albeit possibly later than ideally) and tried to do so, but the 70mph camaro refused to yield to his signal, brake lights, and jab out to that lane.. camaro went a bit to the shoulder and continued blowing by, knocked bgd into a clockwise spin and he landed in the middle median/divider rail....



something close to that at least.... and BGD was going a reasonable speed, maybe a bit over but the flow of traffic, which was 50-55.. camaro was doing 70.


thats what happens when you stuff an old corvette engine into a cheapo chassis and stick some numbskull behind the wheel and make him think he has a real car under him.


I like camaros!! but they need to be BUILT into a sportscar/hotrod.. they do NOT come from the factory with much :lol: Chevy actually made a 1-le edition which was essentially a race-prepped camaro, with upgraded suspension (i think macphersons or coilovers all around, i forget tho) and a full rollcage, as well as an LT-1 engine (my chevy engine nomenclature may be TOTALLY off, please dont quote me on that)


You got my story nearly perfect. The camaro was harassing my intentions for several miles before the slow honda- wouldn't let me pass, and when I thought his game was done by slowing down, he was right there again beside me.It would speed up, slow down, I could even hear the bellow of his engine in my car when he throttled. what a jerk. I wonder how big his ego is now, not only knowing he could mess with my 90hp, but could have avoided a serious accident.Taking off after involvement is a crime. I know of many that instantly slam on brakes in the scenario I was in to see a 12 car pile up on the news. All I did was tap brakes which always gets attention for cars behind and did the best thing to keep momentum from coming to a trajic sudden stop for at least half a dozen cars that were not far behind- all from 65mph to who knows what for speed.

My friend nearly died in a camaro- "only"a 305 ci with cram air injection. We both agreed the car creaked into something twisting every hard take off. Insane power to weight ratio.Even the steering wheel showed the car did not want to go absolutely straight in hard throttling.Upon gaining an IQ of a monkey, I gave up my own v8 american coupe. It only took deaths and life altering injuries before my lies.There are still die hards out there assuming things they shouldn't with cars not correct (The previous sentence sums up my whole avoidable accident- foriegn cars or American.).

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So basically, you got mad at the camaro, and cut him off last second in front of a slow honda?


sounds like it to me.



I'm sorry for your loss, but don't go pointing your finger at everyone you can find. He had no responsibility to be watching your lane for you, and then making room for you to make a last minute mineuvor (sp?) because you weren't paying close enough attention. maybe the Honda was going to slow, and if so, they were at fault. but trying to drag the camaro into it to is a bit of a stretch.

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Hey now..i have a camaro...its a fun car and i dont drive like a jerk..though the car has given me a lot of problems:rolleyes:

Sorry. Just being the fact that 99% of all the other camaro drivers on the road are some ex-football star who still live in 1980. Also, most camaro drivers lack common sense, being that they think a muscle car should have an autotragic transmission.

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So basically, you got mad at the camaro, and cut him off last second in front of a slow honda?
sounds like it to me.



I'm sorry for your loss, but don't go pointing your finger at everyone you can find. He had no responsibility to be watching your lane for you, and then making room for you to make a last minute mineuvor (sp?) because you weren't paying close enough attention. maybe the Honda was going to slow, and if so, they were at fault. but trying to drag the camaro into it to is a bit of a stretch.

Glad to see I am not the only one 'misunderstanding' the situation.


dam kamaro dryvers R eevul!!!!!1!


HELLO PEOPLE anyone heard the LAW!>>> Fleeing The Scene Of An Accident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, but you are not seeing the forest through the trees here. The fact that he left the scene of the accident in no way makes him at fault for the collision. BDG pulled into his lane and hit him. Yes, he should have stopped after the accident, but A.) There most likely would not have been an accident if it werent for BDG's driving, and B.) If he HAD stuck around, it would probably mean that BDG's insurance would be paying for the damage done to the Camaro as well. Perhaps him taking off wasn't a bad thing.
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Sorry, but you are not seeing the forest through the trees here. The fact that he left the scene of the accident in no way makes him at fault for the collision. BDG pulled into his lane and hit him. Yes, he should have stopped after the accident, but A.) There most likely would not have been an accident if it werent for BDG's driving, and B.) If he HAD stuck around, it would probably mean that BDG's insurance would be paying for the damage done to the Camaro as well. Perhaps him taking off wasn't a bad thing.




yes, leaving the scene is illegal. But it's hard to call it a hit and run if didn't hit anything, but was hit by someone else.


I don't think the camaro driver was in the right here, but he certainly wasn't at fault.

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sounds like it to me.



I'm sorry for your loss, but don't go pointing your finger at everyone you can find. He had no responsibility to be watching your lane for you, and then making room for you to make a last minute mineuvor (sp?) because you weren't paying close enough attention. maybe the Honda was going to slow, and if so, they were at fault. but trying to drag the camaro into it to is a bit of a stretch.





the camaro was vascillating his speed, prior to the approach of the honda. BGD was attempting to move over into the left lane, and when the camaro saw this, hed speed up to cut him off. he finally dropped a bit behind, and bgd, through being distracted by this guys chickenheaded driving, failed to notice the honda with ample time to make a patient lane change to move around. BGD seems to have made the lane change with some abruptness, and failed to notice that the camaro was once again, going from 55 to 70 effing around with him, hogging the passing lane and keeping the little car out, even though he obviously didnt want to just cruise along at 70.. if he did, the guy would have passed them both a long long time ago.....


SO, the guy who HAD been doing 55->70->55->70->55, had dropped back and bgd was shifting lanes into one that he thought was clear. blind spot check is one thing, but a blind spot check cannot necessarily grant one a good idea of the vector of whats about to enter the blind spot...


the guy came up from behind, accelerating (again) instead of yielding to the road hazard. the guy is guilty of overly aggressive driving, and possibly reckless endangerment (again, PROVIDING that my account is correct..)


In case some of you hadn't noticed, our friend BGD sometimes has difficulty expressing concepts through his keyboard. that is by no means an indicator of intelligence, its simply a matter of modality..


and if you feel that sort of aggressive driving is at all warranted on a two lane highway, and you really feel that this guy had the right to be accel/decel/accel/dropback/accel like that, then sure, he wasnt to blame.. after all BGD was the one changing lanes. however, last time i checked most states had enacted legislation and statues to prevent someone from humping the leg of anyone else who might need/want to use fast lane like that....


The short of it is, the guy was being a j@ck@ss, and through his j@ack@assery he caused an otherwise avoidable accident, then fled. Guilty at least of one count, plus now any evidence to back bgd's statements up (such as the relative direction of the paint skids on the two cars) has just sped off into the sunset, and the only conclusion that CAN be drawn by the state trooper is that this guy came up with some story, because he can only see what happened to one car. If the camaro was so free of fault in the accident, then why would he not stop, get BGDs insurance info, file out a report, place fault to the subaru, and get his car fixed? sounds like a good candidate for a drunk (to some degree at least) schmuck who knew his car wasn't worth jailtime/prosecution for DUI.

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