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Will engine run with timing belt marks off?

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So, I'm replacing timing belts, etc on my '94 Loyale and I just noticed that while I have my flywheel set at the center valve timing mark, the left camshaft sprocket is lined up with mark on belt cover (as it should be) but the right is straight down (180 degrees off).


I did not rotate those cams so it was already that way. Is it even possible for the engine to have run like that???


If the answer is yes, but it will run like crap, that explains a lot!!


Thanks in advance, Dave

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The cams are supposed to be 180 degrees from each other. If they are both in the same position, it probably wouldn't run (never tried it myself). I know, it's a weird way to set up the timing procedure, but that's the way it is.


If the timing is off by even one tooth, it will run like absolute crap. (Yeah, I've done that before, as it's a pain to see the alignment marks while the engine is in the car.)

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as already mentioned, it should be like that. you set the drivers side one straight up, then rotate the crank 360* (cam will only go 180*), and then set the passenger side one straight up.


and if it's off, even by only one tooth, it'll barely run at all....

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Thanks Snowman, after reading your post and re-reading the manual, I can see what you mean. I'll live in hope that the belts were off a tooth or so and that the car will run better when I'm finished.


The previous owner said he had the belts changed not long ago, but it just did not run right.



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they run ok off one tooth. EGR valve does not like it and anything top end or exhaust (whatever side had the leaky opening as a result of one tooth off). If on exhaust side opening too soon, it is ok except for egr, intake open too long, bad news on top end and valves. One way or another you may notice something strange even after fixing. Gas additives that clean are good if something physically didn't get hurt (the valves especially) maybe a gasket challenged, etc. mine recovered even after a long trip with a tooth off and scrapping egr entirely (not necessarily necessary to scap it, i chose to.):)

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