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'00OBW 4EAT phase II downshifting

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Hi all, got a '00OBW here with the 4EAT phase II. I had this vehicle down for a turnaround for a few months to do timing belt, water pump, oil pump, idlers, etc., and now (maybe it was doing this before too but I can't remember) when punching it above say 50mph, it will not downshift into second, just into third at maybe a bit above 3000rpm which isn't optimal for acceleration.


Now I tested it and I can get to nearly 65mph before hitting redline in 2nd gear, and it will shift into 2nd when punching it below maybe about 50mph or so based on my testing, is this normal or what? Above say 50mph even if I move the shifter to 2nd it won't shift into 2nd. Thanks.

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Good suggestion Legacy777, thanks. I tried that today and didn't really notice much difference. I think it was probably like this all along but I was driving my '96 2.2 4eat phase I for several months (which has zero fear of running near redline) so long that now it bugs me in this 4eat phase II that has this 'deadspot of power' between say 50mph and 70mph because it won't shift into 2nd, even though you can run it to 65mph from a stop if you put it in 2nd manually (but won't shift to 2nd manually above 50mph). Although I do have to admit that people probably wouldn't like it if it did shift to 2nd up to say 60mph because it would only be there for a second or two before going back to 3rd.


Anyway maybe it's time for a sneaky pete for this thing! I absolutely love the high rpm power on this thing it's awesome but when you can't get it there.....

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