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SPFI retrofit electrical questions


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I also never hooked up the neutral switch OR the speed sensor.


No question that you *can* run it without, but the ECU complains about it, and being a software engineer myself, I don't do half-a$$ed computer hook-ups - it's not in my nature.


How many other things has Subaru put on the EA engines that's superfluous? Those pesky oil pumps sure are a peice of work eh? Maybe we should just rip those off too. :rolleyes:


*And NO comments from the peanut gallery about ripping off the EGR - I've heard quite enough about that, thank you*



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No question that you *can* run it without, but the ECU complains about it, and being a software engineer myself, I don't do half-a$$ed computer hook-ups - it's not in my nature.


How many other things has Subaru put on the EA engines that's superfluous? Those pesky oil pumps sure are a peice of work eh? Maybe we should just rip those off too. :rolleyes:


*And NO comments from the peanut gallery about ripping off the EGR - I've heard quite enough about that, thank you*



You dont have to be sarcastic geeze. I also wouldnt call my car half a$$ed either, thanks. You should chill, I was just adding what I have done you don't have to be all hurt that not everyone does everything exactly the way you would do it. I dont know about you, but my car is an old Subaru. I paid $200 for it and honestly, I don't expect it to gain much value. What I do halfa$$ed is my business and I dont need some E-thug telling me how wrong I am that I should just scrap it. You messed with the EGR system? great. awsome. I dont care at all, but if you feel free to make fun of others choices on how to mod their old Subaru you leave yourself open for some one like you to show up and tell you how wrong you are. You took off the EGR? Geeze, why not just rip the old pump off why your at it, thats not important either!:rolleyes:

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It's all good - I'm just worked up over all the typing I did ealier in the thread that fell on completely deaf ears. Nothing against you Dole.


The EGR thing is poking fun at BDG - he has an EGR fettish. :lol: Mine all work fine FTR.


You guys do what you like, and if it works, cool. I just don't like the damn CEL flashing at me. Makes me think something is *really* wrong, and when I go to sell my cars it's with a free concience knowing I did all I could to make it possible for another person to work with. Having worked with badly written, poorly documented code, and electronics I'm painfully aware of how my work will impact others. I usually write manuals for cars I've heavily modified with usage/maintenance instructions, and parts lists of any non-stock components.


*your* car may be an old subaru, but my project happens to be a pretty decent Brat, and while it may not be worth a whole lot, it's not a $200 beater either.



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It's all good - I'm just worked up over all the typing I did ealier in the thread that fell on completely deaf ears. Nothing against you Dole.


*your* car may be an old subaru, but my project happens to be a pretty decent Brat, and while it may not be worth a whole lot, it's not a $200 beater either.



ok then.

Hate to point this out, but the BRAT was made by Subaru... .and IIRC they haven't made them in the last 20 years.....

I've had a pretty decent BRAT, SPFI'd it even, but I was a bit too tall for it and sold it on Ebay. Got a good amount for it, some mighht even say too much, but in the end, old Subarus are only worth so much.

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Worth is relative. Water is valuable somewhere on earth.


Value of a Brat is what someone is willing to pay you for it. If that's three goats then your Brat is worth as much as an AK47 in most of the world. Did you see the Brat that went for over $7,000 a few months back? I don't know about you, but that's not a paltry sum to me.



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this thread has gotten really thorough though.. and worst case scenario, as I see it BGD: you'll have to come back to the thread to look up how to reconnect one or two things youve eliminated, at some point in the future.


Repkacing high current wires is always a good thing, whether the donor harness is 12 years old or 20.. new wire is um, new :) and heat shrink wrap is your best best friend.

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No freebie wiring diagrams for a 1993 loyale?! :rolleyes:

Darn it all I have to spend 5 dollars .


EGR is a mentality to eat your own crap. You don't save fuel.you don't stay healthy, and you catch a fever, smell awful, stay dirty, and self destruct as you wallow powerless in your on misery.You know what kind of help that brings? None. It is an opinionated world. Of all engines that didn't need an egr the 1781CC tiny strokin engine is sure as heck one of them.So you can eat your own dung, or not, it is up to the car owner. :)


Let that 38mpg exhaust out! The EA82 is still one the cleanest lesser polluters on the planet even now in the car world. 21 years after the first of them...The EGR is INSANE.

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Since you removed the EGR, why not replace the solenoid with a resistor so that the ECU doesn't see that fault anymore?


Remember, when the ECU sees a certain number of faults, it goes into a limp state, and sets everything at a base, safe value. You'll lose power and mpg.

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No freebie wiring diagrams for a 1993 loyale?! :rolleyes:

Darn it all I have to spend 5 dollars .


EGR is a mentality to eat your own crap. You don't save fuel.you don't stay healthy, and you catch a fever, smell awful, stay dirty, and self destruct as you wallow powerless in your on misery.You know what kind of help that brings? None. It is an opinionated world. Of all engines that didn't need an egr the 1781CC tiny strokin engine is sure as heck one of them.So you can eat your own dung, or not, it is up to the car owner. :)


Let that 38mpg exhaust out! The EA82 is still one the cleanest lesser polluters on the planet even now in the car world. 21 years after the first of them...The EGR is INSANE.

not really i knew a guy with an ea81 that had to go through emissions three times on seperate dyno's because they couldn't get a co count in ppm it was so low

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EGR is a mentality to eat your own crap. You don't save fuel.you don't stay healthy, and you catch a fever, smell awful, stay dirty, and self destruct as you wallow powerless in your on misery.You know what kind of help that brings? None. It is an opinionated world. Of all engines that didn't need an egr the 1781CC tiny strokin engine is sure as heck one of them.So you can eat your own dung, or not, it is up to the car owner. :)


Why are you using metaphors when discussing your engine? The entire paragraph above condems the EGR with absolutely NO evidence to back up your claim. The internal combustion engine shares no mechanical similarities to the human body, or any other organic life, to my knowledge. You have a strawman arguement, and you are tuning your car with your ear, and the seat of your pants. There's no science, there's no evidence of any kind to support your position.



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Why are you using metaphors when discussing your engine? The entire paragraph above condems the EGR with absolutely NO evidence to back up your claim. The internal combustion engine shares no mechanical similarities to the human body, or any other organic life, to my knowledge. You have a strawman arguement, and you are tuning your car with your ear, and the seat of your pants. There's no science, there's no evidence of any kind to support your position.




Evidence? you sound like a state trooper who lets the drunk guy who sped off get away because he didn't see it for himself. I am done talking about it. I am in no mood for my integrity to be challenged. Truth prevails, I am by no means upset.You can find the precious egr stuff I chucked in the forest. after a 300 mile trip lets both get out of our cars and see who can jog the farthest. Me with no egr and you with it. Is that what you need? Do you like to get high in your sube with windows up? I have not been in one yet that didn't squeeze its own crap out back at me in the cabin while egr is said to be good and sealed and functioning correctly. the worst for me in Maine is when the ground is frozen. I counted on the top end stenches people in the car shouldn't get. I have even vomited before fixing it forever - by getting rid of it. do you want my EGR vomit in a doggy bag? :confused:

If I get a brand new vehicle with similar design as this old sube EGR, I am chucking it again as bad parts. The engine doesn't stay down in flow all year.Long before I got one, I had learned of the bad boxer flows for subarus in very cold weathers like maine. Mid summer in the 70's summer breeze seems to be perfect for egr. Not where I live. In fact this sube I just got had the stuff removed professionally somewhere along the line. I am glad. I don't have to.

Stop the prejudice opinionations. I could care less if egr is good or bad where you live, it is to the point of dangerous at times where I do.To scientifically prove egr burnt the clock and heater resistors from the other side of the firewall, I am sure, would not be impossible with monitoring of temps of two vehicles, one with and one without egr. It all starts as top end heat.and it has "stuff" in that invisible flow, no doubts about it. maybe even radioactively charged particles with plug wires in the air for all I know.




Back to thread... any 93 loyale wiring diagrams? I found a supplement fsm on the web.. does that get added to this generation subaru with only differences noted? if so, I will grab it while it is for sale.

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Regardless of what you feel about it, the EGR is a good thing when working properly. Both my XT and Wagon have a properly working EGR, and I get no exhaust fumes, etc in the cabin.


And it makes sense to have one when it works. Introduce a non-combustible, inert gas into the comubstion chamber. It has a cooling effect.


A 1993 supplement FSM will probably contain additional material to that year's FSM. Though, it may contain additional material for the previous years' FSMs. I dunno.


IE: The 1985 XT supplement I have is an addition to the 1985 FSMs.

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Evidence? you sound like a state trooper who lets the drunk guy who sped off get away because he didn't see it for himself. I am done talking about it. I am in no mood for my integrity to be challenged. Truth prevails, I am by no means upset.You can find the precious egr stuff I chucked in the forest. after a 300 mile trip lets both get out of our cars and see who can jog the farthest. Me with no egr and you with it. Is that what you need? Do you like to get high in your sube with windows up? I have not been in one yet that didn't squeeze its own crap out back at me in the cabin while egr is said to be good and sealed and functioning correctly. the worst for me in Maine is when the ground is frozen. I counted on the top end stenches people in the car shouldn't get. I have even vomited before fixing it forever - by getting rid of it. do you want my EGR vomit in a doggy bag? :confused:

If I get a brand new vehicle with similar design as this old sube EGR, I am chucking it again as bad parts. The engine doesn't stay down in flow all year.Long before I got one, I had learned of the bad boxer flows for subarus in very cold weathers like maine. Mid summer in the 70's summer breeze seems to be perfect for egr. Not where I live. In fact this sube I just got had the stuff removed professionally somewhere along the line. I am glad. I don't have to.

Stop the prejudice opinionations. I could care less if egr is good or bad where you live, it is to the point of dangerous at times where I do.To scientifically prove egr burnt the clock and heater resistors from the other side of the firewall, I am sure, would not be impossible with monitoring of temps of two vehicles, one with and one without egr. It all starts as top end heat.and it has "stuff" in that invisible flow, no doubts about it. maybe even radioactively charged particles with plug wires in the air for all I know.




Back to thread... any 93 loyale wiring diagrams? I found a supplement fsm on the web.. does that get added to this generation subaru with only differences noted? if so, I will grab it while it is for sale.

for those of you who don't want to read this i'll recap:

1.he illegally dumped all the egr stuff off his car in the woods

2. he brings no proof to the table about his arguments and merely state's don't question my integrity take my word as god's

3. some random statement about how the egr makes the clock, and heater resistors burn out? [don't ask me i'm just recapping]


maybe even radioactively charged particles with plug wires in the air for all I know.
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for those of you who don't want to read this i'll recap:


No one *wants* to read it. No one sets out to read something like that. It's like a helicopter accident - hard, voilent, and messy. Lots of hot metal sticking out at funny angles..... as my friend Josh likes to say - "There are things you can see, that you can't *un-see*. Every so often the image will pop up in your mind and make you cringe.... for the rest of your life.


But - you are spot on Jeff my friend. Like you, I enjoy fruit loops, but only with milk.



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