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How much would you pay for a catless EA82 Y-pipe?

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A friend of mine & I were shooting around some ideas last week, and I realized there doesn't seem to be a good source for inexpensive catless EA82 Y-pipes.


Would anyone be interested in EA82 Y-pipes, without cats, with an O2 sensor port? I was planning to do them in a variety of sizes (probably 1.25", 1.5", 1.75").


Is this worth looking into, or are EA82 owners, for the most part, broke enough that it's not worth the time?


I'd need to do the math on the parts/labor for it, but I'd expect somewhere in the $100-$150 range, depending on size.



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i would have bought one earlier this year for $125. i paid around $100 shipped for mine, i can't remember. you'll get alot more "wants" and thumbs up before hand than paid for units afterwards. shipping will be annoying too, but hey you'd be helping the subaru community a ton! i know i had a hard time locating one when i was looking, i'm sure there's a handful here that may jump on it.

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Oh, I'm quite aware of the "Yea, that's great, make it!" "... eh, maybe next month..." effect. It's very prevalent in the 2nd gen RX-7 community as well (bunch of broke SOBs, mostly).


I'm planning to make it a straight bolt-up replacement for the stock unit - I may sell midpipe/cat replacement pipes as well, but I'll see how things go.



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plus u want some back presure. y not make a few of each on a weekend and just have them. people will buy them for sure over time. im actully gonna make a mold of the center piece "83 or older" where the stereo goes and make it for a regular cd play and also with gauges or not plus a couple cig lighters. i would like to hear some more ideas about that as well not to high jack. i probably wont have time until after christmas since making money is important for the next couple months.

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It's pretty easy to cut a square hole in the cat and just gut it. Afterwards the dust cover bolts over it and you can't tell. If you wanted larger pipes that would be alright, but for the stock EA82 larger y-pipe's aren't really needed, or reccomended. You will destroy the scavenging.


Modified cams and such might need it, but will you be able to test the flow properties?



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I'm with Wheat Beer Man (except I'm more of a fan of belgian trappist ale, wheat beer tastes like a loaf of bread :lol:) Go ahead and make a few units. Take pictures. Post an ad for sale. That way, you KNOW you can move three or four units EVENTUALLY so there is NO loss, and i bet its a better beginning than asking for 20 orders before making a single unit.


If this is like a group purchase thing, obviously thats a different story... but if you were talking about fabricating them yourself, go for it. If its a flanged Y-pipe, it can always have a flanged catalytic converter installed after it, right?


As for sizing, I can't imagine you would need too many non-stock sized units... and I would limit it to just two diameters (stock and upgraded, i suppose unless demand rises for more selection.


If you build yourself a spare while you build yours, then its nothing to build two spares.. see what you can sell them for and find out whether its worth it or not that way.

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