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i know this is a subaru forum. besides my subaru, i've got a 1997 jetta 2.0 gas. it stumbles upon acceleration. i havent gotten much help from jetta forum. car smooths out as long as rpms are up. runs good when cold. also when adding gumout fuel injection the problem gets better. airflow meter or problem in throttle body? this forum has been great for my subaru. can anyone help with my jetta thanks

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thanks for getting back with me. i hope it is the air mass rather than throttle body. i will take it to dealership and put on diagnostic machine. their is no check engine light on though. they will charge me about 120 bucks. i dont know much about throttle bodies, but they told me a new one would cost 600 bucks. its got to be some sensor, since its worse as the car engine heats up. also strange the the problem clears up with fuel injection additive. thanks for your time.

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