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1987 Subie gl wagon w/turbo no termostat

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Good deal Robert. Hopefully everything is ok now and you can enjoy the ride without any troubles.


This is seat of my pants mechanics.... but with some really good info from here I got by... You will have seen many of my posts , I am not without a certain amount of luck when it comes to fixing this car.... but I guess I cant help it.. its like waiting for the other shoe to fall.... of the 8 or 9 times Subie has broke down on me... I have been able to affect repairs enough to get home... but its still scary.... BTW I'm only using super or above from Sunoco , I know much of this problem was caused by really bad gas.


On an unrelated note.. but Relevant also.... I got to the first day of my new job and it went well... Subie has never run better and I wowed em :)



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Thanks Guys :)


I'm hoping for the love Inc people to help me find a car. It sound ridiculous to say that I am clearly unable to deal with this car.... cause I have dealt with it... but its pushing my limits.


Thinking back there were some signs that could have been attributed to either the bad wires or clogging injectors. There was a rather annoying muted pop from the exhaust that I suppose should have told me there was something.... I haven't gotten on the car since Ive fixed it.. cant say for sure if that's cured too. The car had a slightly jerky motion that I put off to bad mounts but has largely cleared now.


I filled it with Ultra.... this should at least keep it clean and a full tank should get me through most of the week.


This is definitely the place to go.... its sorta like having the entire service department in my living room.... honestly it would never have occurred to me to clean the MAF sensor without reading in here.



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Exactly where is the Temp sensor for the ECU located?


Temp sensor is buried on the intake manifold on the passenger's side, closer to the fire wall than the radiator. If you pull the big metal air ducts you will see it, it has a rectangular plug, and its not too far from the knock sensor. Both my old DL and my current GL-10 have thrown that code, both times it was the connection to the sensor. I soldered two leads to the sensor, then added two crimped disconnects, and then covered the soldered leads with silicon rubber to keep them from corroding. Good luck. DW



Here is a pic of the sensor, its the one with the driver sticking out....


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Temp sensor is buried on the intake manifold on the passenger's side, closer to the fire wall than the radiator. If you pull the big metal air ducts you will see it, it has a rectangular plug, and its not too far from the knock sensor. Both my old DL and my current GL-10 have thrown that code, both times it was the connection to the sensor. I soldered two leads to the sensor, then added two crimped disconnects, and then covered the soldered leads with silicon rubber to keep them from corroding. Good luck. DW



Here is a pic of the sensor, its the one with the driver sticking out....



Great Picture thanks! Hard to see cause the piece that goes from the throttle body to the turbo is over it... and a coolant line :)



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I hard some minor trouble Friday night , I guess I'm superstitious So I waited to say it.


While i was driving on Friday , just after dark I was feeling a bit playful and I stepped into it.... not grossly so... there was this amazing pop and the car lost all power... To make a long story short the vent that goes from the turbo to the throttle body had blown off... The lower clamp was loose enough I could spin it , I punched it back on and tightened the clamp and later did it up proper. I put the clamps so all you need to do is remove the spare and there they are.... some weird contortionist has them on so you had to put your screw driver in at a very acute angle...


Call that Number 11 , I was able to find the problem fairly quickly and right it.... I both love and hate this car at the same time. :)



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Finally the leaky hose went hard! I was able to use a small piece of regular hose (no 90 Bend)... but it bent nice enough.


It was the hose from the front driver side of the throttle body that went back to the intake... all in all an easy hose to change.


Memo to me: Buy extra hose clamps and some extra line.. I think I used 3/8.



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