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My car has been having an odd problem for the last few weeks. 99 Legacy GT 2.5 Limited Sedan, 5MT, 170,000 mi.


Since I bought it back in March, the steering has always been very light for about 1/4 turn each direction off center. It works fine, just it's very light with little resistance, before it gets to a point that feels "right" to me. The guy I bought it from said he replaced the steering knuckles, which didn't help, and was going to next replace the rack. He actually gave me a used rack so that I could have it installed, local Subie mechanic wants $200 or so to install, but so far I've spent most of my car maintenance budget trying to track down a stalling problem.


Lately, it seems like the steering effort keeps changing while I'm driving. It goes from the overly-light on center it has been since I got the car, to almost feeling like I have no power steering at all. It changes back and forth within a matter of minutes, and sometimes stays one way or another for a while. Speed does not seem to make any difference in how it acts.. It also seems to be exaggerating road imperfections, the wheel sometimes pulls to one side or the other.


Is it time to finally have that rack installed, or should I try looking at the joints and bushings in the steering column first? I've had the odd theory it could even be the speed sensor, since I know some cars will vary the boost or ratio depending on speed (plus it's a long-shot for my stalling problem). Any thoughts from those much more knowledgeable than I?



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I think I saw that the flow rate of the PS pump is actually higher at idle than at higher rpm's which if true I am guessing is to make for speed sensitive steering. Are you sure the PS pump and belt are in good shape and the fluid level is correct? A couple turkey baster replacements of the PS fluid would be something cheap to try.

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I'll check out the fluid and belt this evening. I'm not sure what kind of condition the pump is in, but I'll look it over.


If it does look like the rack is the problem...how hard is it to replace? Is this something I can do myself, or should I stop being cheap and pay someone to do it? Since I have a junkyard rack, the only real risk is my time, as long as installation doesn't cause collateral damage. My skill level=novice with decent set of ratchets and wrenches, and I usually do okay if I have instructions. The only big hesitation I have is that I live in a small town, so if I break anything it's at least 50 miles to the nearest dealer, and I'm kind of on my own during the process.

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