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1995 Legacy doors frozen shut

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Well we just had our first snowstorm of the year and this is my first Subaru. The doors were all frozen shut so I started it with the command start to let it warm up and was able to get them open. Can anyone recommend a product to lubricate the weatherstripping so this won't happen again? I've heard of using vaseline but also heard that this will dry them out eventually..plus it will make a greasy mess on the glass.

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Well we just had our first snowstorm of the year and this is my first Subaru. The doors were all frozen shut so I started it with the command start to let it warm up and was able to get them open. Can anyone recommend a product to lubricate the weatherstripping so this won't happen again? I've heard of using vaseline but also heard that this will dry them out eventually..plus it will make a greasy mess on the glass.

I recomend silicone ( found at the auto part store), moreover it is good for the rubber seals.

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Thanks. Can you give me the name brand of the silicone you used? Does it make a mess on the glass?


It doesn't matter, just spray a little of any silicon product on a rag and wipe the door seals, doesn't take much. Hell, in a pinch Pam works fine. :D

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