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EA81 Defrost problem!

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Well, I did a search and can't seem to find anything similar to the problem i am having. I have an '82 EA81 and the defrost is only working on the drivers side. I did do an engine swap, so I could have not connected something right. However, I don't remember it ever working. Thanks for any help.

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  reiersgaard said:
Well, I did a search and can't seem to find anything similar to the problem i am having. I have an '82 EA81 and the defrost is only working on the drivers side. I did do an engine swap, so I could have not connected something right. However, I don't remember it ever working. Thanks for any help.


probably mice nest in the passanger side vent. any nasty smells in the car? if so a couple mice probably died in your vents.

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if your getting air to one side or the other you may not have to pull the dash. pull the vent peice that goes from the center heatercore section of the vent system to the passanger side defroster and clear out what you can, while you're at it you might as well pull the portion coming from the blower motor while you're at it and clean that out if it needs it. You will need to remove the plastic shelf part of the dash beneath the glovebox to get to those. If those are clear... well come back, you may be looking at pull the dash but maybe i'll think of something else till then. it took me 2 days to pull the dash in my 84 wagon, although that has a bit more wiring i believe than an 82 but all the same, its a b****.

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I recently pulled the venting of my 82 brat and from the blower duct I was able to run a small shop vac hose up into the passage and suck most all of the stuff out. After that I blew it from the other side with shop air as the vac was running in the duct. It works great now. Darn rodents.

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