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Ram Engines Did it again!


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Hmm... timing belts are unreliable??? Then why do they use them on every vehicle on this planet?????


Popular doesn't always mean right kid. Pet rocks were popular.....


It's clear you have very little experience with mechanics in general. You should read more and put some stock in what those of us who have been around have to say. I've turned wrenches in 8 states, and 3 countries, and I don't talk out my a$$ on too many subjects.


Start thinking about the economics of the situation - it's more important than most other factors when talking about consumer products.



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The way I see it is the EA82 is a modified EA81


This brings up something interesting I was thinking about earlier in the shower (yeah, I know I'm weird). Honestly, the more I work on the EA82 the less a think of them as an EA motor but more as the first true member of the EJ family. I know there is a fair amout of interchangability between the 81 and 82, but design wise, it's more of a EJ. Anyone else feel this way about them?


But what do I know, it's 3am.

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This brings up something interesting I was thinking about earlier in the shower (yeah, I know I'm weird). Honestly, the more I work on the EA82 the less a think of them as an EA motor but more as the first true member of the EJ family. I know there is a fair amout of interchangability between the 81 and 82, but design wise, it's more of a EJ. Anyone else feel this way about them?


But what do I know, it's 3am.


Not at ALL. The EA82 and EJ series were developed somewhat simutaneously. The EJ was an entirely new design, and the EA82 was just an EA81 with OHC (really just a stop-gap solution while the EJ was finished up. Even the block castings are so similar you can bolt accesories between the two. The EJ is WAY different. 5 mains instead of 3 is just the beginning of the differences.



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And if you look in a EA82 you'll see a space and some casting parts to fit a central cam... EA82 heads have a very similar bolt pattern to EA82's. All EJ heads that I've seen bolt on to any EJ.. EA82 is in no way any more connected to an EJ as it is to the Alfa or Porsches boxes...


I'm not usally in agreence with GD, but most of what his said on this subject is what I believe. Of cause there isn't one true truth, there is just lots of different opinions. I stick to my statistics, so many t-belt troubles, so little pushrod problems. Put it this way, I wouldn't trust my life on a engine that was designed in the 80's that uses t-belts. Maybe a newer one, but not something that old.

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And if you look in a EA82 you'll see a space and some casting parts to fit a central cam... EA82 heads have a very similar bolt pattern to EA82's. All EJ heads that I've seen bolt on to any EJ.. EA82 is in no way any more connected to an EJ as it is to the Alfa or Porsches boxes...


I'm not usally in agreence with GD, but most of what his said on this subject is what I believe. Of cause there isn't one true truth, there is just lots of different opinions. I stick to my statistics, so many t-belt troubles, so little pushrod problems. Put it this way, I wouldn't trust my life on a engine that was designed in the 80's that uses t-belts. Maybe a newer one, but not something that old.


Well it was 3am when I wrote that. Maybe it's just because I'm so used to having EA81's, the EA82 with it's t belts, overhead cam, funky disty location, pita to work on reming me of the EJ motor in my RS.


Over the years I've been one of the biggest discounters of the EA82, I've never owner/ridden in one that was worth it's weight, to me there is nothing like the EA81 for reliability and ease of repair, after my last EA82 car I swore I'd never have another, but I took a chance on my the T-wagon I just bought. Honestly, the addition of the turbo makes the EA82 power output where I feel it should've been with NA motor, instead of the brick that it actually was.


I too wouldn't trust the EA82 at 10k feet, EA81 FTW!

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Wow, I saw this thread was still going, so I came back to check on it expecting someone to have bought one ;) or something, but I guess people are still trying to sort out the differences and +/- factors of the different generations on Soob engines.

Maybe we need a new topic in the FAQ for noobs? :grin: Not that most of them would read it, or even do a search.


Just funnin'

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HAHA dont talk your rump roast of on subjects....... have you seen how many posts you have made saying... not really.. not true.. not at all... Case rested!


Oh boy... Kid you need to take a rest. I've been building engines for more then half your lifetime. I've actually met GD in person and he is one of the most knowledgable Subaru people on this board. So.... I've seen quite a few of your posts that have had no regard to the topic which has been discussed but hey, what do I know right? I've only owned more Subarus then years you've been alive....

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Umm, GO TO YOUR ROOM, and don't come down till you can act like a responsible adult.
MORNING LAUGH!!! coffee and usmb funiness woo hoo!


RAM has aftermarket/custom EA82 headgaskets of some sort. might be something WJM and those turbo guys could use to keep their heads sealed.

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MORNING LAUGH!!! coffee and usmb funiness woo hoo!


RAM has aftermarket/custom EA82 headgaskets of some sort. might be something WJM and those turbo guys could use to keep their heads sealed.


indeed, thanks for the heads up on that gary.


i need to get in touch with the guys at ram and actually spend some money, maybe once i have some to spend.

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Wow 15 grand:-\ i think i`d rather just go and buy a brand new base impreza sedan for an extra $1500, and that would probly still hange with that ea81:D



just getting back on topic:D


Last time I checked Subaru wasn't making reliable flying imps out of the factory... The cost is there because the demand is low and the quality is high.

That setup pictured could do with some refining though I think...

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BTW, about 15 years ago my brother had to get rebuilt magnetos when his Comanche failed Annual Inspection... cost around $4500 for the pair. And they still failed the Annual. Once all was said and done, he had to sell the plane just to pay for the "repairs".


$15K is cheap in the aircraft world.

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I think that it is interesting that for all that money they did not include dual ignition, a standard on production aircraft engines. It does have EDIS, which maybe is a strong reason to go to dual ignition.


I'm assuming their fuel injection (which they don't manufacture) doesn't support dual igntion in the form of EDIS. Maybe that's the next version or something.



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planned obsolescence. the best consumer is an unhappy one..they don't want to do it all perfect now! they have been doing subaru's for decades, they aren't hurting in terms of competition or customer base. last i was there talking to them they were thinking about playing with megasquirt. at the time they had their own dyno and computer set up to control any motor they wanted to dyno.

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Sorry to interupt but you guys seem to know EA81s and i have posted in "EA81 OIL BUCKET" with little response?


I have an EA-81 in my aircraft with a dry sump, and it is using oil at 1 Ltr per hour!

The compressions are all on or around 160 and it was reboared 40 hours ago with new pistons and the heads re done etc.

We fitted new valve oil seals but it still drinks oil!

Any help or advice would be greatly received.

There are no oil leaks that are visible but there is oil like residue on the bottom of the aircraft where the exhaust exits.

It has no PCV or head breathers as it breaths through the oil tank.


Regards Paul

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Ok im done,... but some of you need to learn basic math... its not worth it arguing on the internet anyways... haha but you guys think its funny that I am 16.... because I am one of the only people whos not afraid to display there age... it doesnt matter if your 40 but if your 16, you expect this kind of crap from older "punks" thing like.. oh your only 16 you dont know anything.... but whatever, and, I want no comments on this, I know what I know and what I dont know and you guys dont! I may not be ASE certified but I dont need to be those are tests... tests are on paper. But.....


I dont care ok drop it from here on out.... .......... lets get back on course here...and what did I hear about EA-82 gaskets??? tell me more!!!

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haha but you guys think its funny that I am 16....


Don't care what your age is - lets see what you've done? You gain respect around here for helping folks solve problems, and for showing what you have done. With all your vast knowledge you have two choices - put up or shut up. Here's my latest write up:




So? Lets see what you have done and lets see you help some folks around here.



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this thread was back on topic.....

Ok im done,... but some of you need to learn basic math... its not worth it arguing on the internet anyways
doesn't have to be an argument. comments like "learn basic math" don't help us discuss. that's irrelevant and a cheap shot. kind of like if i replied "18 minus 16 is 2"...you're still in highschool. and "16-16 = 0", how many timing belts have you replaced on the side of the road?" meant to be funny, but you get the point, you don't have to discuss and make jabs at the same time. that turns discussions into debates or arguments. discussion is good, everyone trying to prove everyone else wrong is bad.


Hmm... timing belts are unreliable??? Then why do they use them on every vehicle on this planet?????
all the question marks and wording of the question suggests others don't know what they are talking about. expect some sort of reply when that happens.


this is really an argument over semantics and not the engines or anything else (most arguments are!). it's a circular discussion because both 'sides' are talking about something different. noone here is saying "EA82's and timing belts are unreliable". most familiar with the soob lines know the EA series motors are great, reliable engines. the fact is that "EA82's are less reliable than EA81's". the differences, numbers and stats are small in the automotive realm, but in the flying arena minor differences matter much. i've seen numerous frozen, shattered and broken timing pulley bearings...no biggie on a car, i would not want to be on a prop plane when that happened.

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